Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The New Telemarketing Part Ii Why Do We Need It

Writen by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

Second in a series of articles, we'll discuss various issues and practices associated with modern ways of selling over the phone.


The New Telemarketing™ is a set of selling practices designed to accomplish several things:

(1) To sell more goods and services than its predecessor, the "traditional" style;

(2) To be less offensive than its predecessor to buyers;

(3) To be consistent with a customer service style of communicating;

(4) To help in recruiting and retaining qualified phone representatives and managers; and

(5) To repair and reform the image of telemarketers in business and consumer communities.

We need new practices, because traditional telemarketing, which utilizes a command-and-control communication style is inherently offensive, inefficient, and out of date.

It has resulted in hostile legislation (chronicled in the first article in this series), fewer sales, and a poor image in business and beyond.

The main driver of telemarketing is people: buyers and sellers. Traditional telemarketing offends and degrades all parties, and a proper replacement will elevate the process and make it a more enjoyable and productive process for all.

The New Telemarketing™ will produce more sales, at a lower cost. It will enable companies to recruit and retain high quality personnel, who will earn a better living, and it will rehabilitate the image of practitioners.

What Thomas Watson did at IBM to improve and reform selling, we need to do with telemarketers across companies and industries.

In later articles, we'll discuss exactly how The New Telemarketing™ differs from its predecessor style, and how it works.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of www.Customersatisfaction.com, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone®, You Can Sell Anything By Telephone! and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. He holds the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at: gary@customersatisfaction.com

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Telemarketing And Telesales The Secret Weapon

Writen by Andrew Rowe

Many companies laugh off the idea of using inside sales or telemarketing professionals in order to generate leads or close business over the phone. Yet the biggest companies and the best in class firms across just about every industry are using that as part of their arsenal in order to accelerate their sales and drive their growth. It's a lot more efficient to deploy inside sales people and telemarketing professionals than it is to use outside field sales professionals for the same function.

Often, there's a big gap between marketing and lead generation programs and field sales people that can only be filled by inside sales or telemarketing professionals. Companies use telesales & telemarketing in a variety of ways: Perhaps, they are doing lead generation qualification or they're following up on leads that are coming from marketing programs. Or, they are actually performing inside sales functions and closing deals over the phone. There's also a hybrid model which is commonly used by companies to qualify opportunities, close deals that can be done over the phone, and then pass larger relationship based sales opportunities out to the field sales force.

If you're thinking about deploying a field sales function or adding to your field sales force, think first about how you can use inside sales or telemarketing go to boost your sales efficiency at a lower level of cost. Once you've decided to deploy inside or telemarketing sales professionals, it's really critical that you bring in the right outside consulting or outsourcing capabilities to set up the function in the absence of having your own experience in this area. An outsourced telesales or pipeline development consultant can bring you a myriad of experience which will have a huge impact on your ability to actually be successful when deploying this capability.

Many companies have tried and failed at telesales and telemarketing efforts because they lack the experience and the management acumen to fine tune telemarketing and telesales programs for success. It's absolutely critical that you think about acquiring the management skill that goes with hiring the bodies to actually do the phone work. A good telesales and telemarketing professional or consultant will come in and help you to determine the message, the approach, the target, the unique selling proposition the call flow and the script, all of the essential elements to be used in order to train your telesales and telemarketing individuals.

A good consultant also will help you recruit and hire the best telesales and telemarketing professionals for your company…which is not an easy task because there are many people who are not capable of this kind of job. If you're considering deploying additional sales resources think about telesales and telemarketing and bringing in an outside resource to help you with that goal.

About Cube Management

Cube Management delivers sales acceleration services to emerging growth and mid-market companies. The experts at Cube Management work across the entire spectrum of marketing, sales and business development to provide customized solutions (whether recruiting, interim management or consulting) that drive revenue and profit growth. Cube Management combines Strategy, Process & People to produce winning results. Download the Cube Management Inside Sales Guide and the Cube Management Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Selling To Catering Services By Phone

Writen by Lance Winslow

Most all large corporations have events and need catering services from time to time, this is why catering services need to be on the approved list of vendors for all local corporations. This of course requires some up front work.

The catering company must be on the approved vendor list for the corporation and be recognized by the purchasing or procurement offices of the company. The catering service must have the required insurance and additional insured certificates for the corporation, as well as prove to the company that they can perform once they are hired.

Of course none of this can happen until the catering service calls the corporation on the telephone and sets up an appointment to meet with the human resource director and probably the purchasing department. The best way to get the phone numbers of these people in the corporation is to go to the Chamber of Commerce and get a chamber of commerce directory and also by a Book of Lists.

The catering company should also have a prepared fax datasheet about their company that they can fax to the person after they get off the phone with them. Selling catering services by telephone to corporations is not difficult, but rather the first step in the sales process. If you own a catering service you need to consider all this and make sure you are up for the performance that will be required in the future. Think on this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

No More Coldcalling Well Almost

Writen by Jacques Werth

We do not advocate cold calling in High Probability Selling. However, cold calling is necessary at times.

You do need prospective clients and customers: If you don't have a customer list from which to solicit referrals, and you also lack an advertising/marketing budget, cold-calling to a highly targeted list is the fastest route to finding High Probability Prospects.

A High Probability Prospect is one who wants, needs, can afford, and is ready to buy your product or service- now. Those who only want, need, and can afford- but are not ready to buy now- are prospects that you'll continue to contact in the future.

How does Cold Calling fit into High Probability Prospecting?

When you start to call your list, initial contacts will be cold calls: Only first-time calls are cold calls in High Probability Prospecting. A truly effective prospecting campaign requires that you call the same list every 3 to 4 weeks, so after a short period of time, most of your calls will be warm calls. A higher percentage of the people on your list will say "Yes" to your prospecting offer with each successive call.

5 Simple rules for maximum effectiveness and maximum efficiency:

  1. Don't repeat the same prospecting offer more frequently than every third call.
  2. Your offer must be no longer than 45 words, describing your product/service and mentioning two if its features.
  3. Your prospecting offer must clearly request a "Yes" or "No" answer.
  4. When prospects say "No," you say, "Okay, good-bye."
  5. When prospects say "Yes," you say, "Why?"

With practice, you should be able to make at least 50 dials per hour. You'll find an increasing number of High Probability Prospects with each pass through your list. You'll be on your way to making appointments with people who are ready to buy what you're selling- right now.

High Probability Prospecting won't eliminate cold-calling entirely. You will, however, be making relatively fewer Cold Calls. You'll also eliminate most of the Rejection associate with cold-calling.

High Probability® Selling ©All Rights Reserved

Jacques Werth is co-author of "High Probability Selling" and President of High Probability Selling, a Sales Training and Consulting firm. More articles, as well as the first four chapters of the book are available at http://www.highprobsell.com.

Hospital in Tennessee Thailand Hotels

Friday, September 26, 2008

Telephone Sales For Telephone Services

Writen by Lance Winslow

Most companies are now barred from using telemarketing as a way to do sales however, there are many companies that you currently do business with, which are allowed to call you and solicit your business. Telephone companies who you have your phone service with are allowed to solicit you by phone and they have your phone number too.

You will not be able to tell them that the phone call is illegal because you are doing business with them because they're the phone company. Generally however the person calling you is a subcontractor with the phone company and not the actual phone company, although sometimes the actual phone companies will call to solicit additional telephone services from you.

Often they will ask you if you want another line or to order Internet service. Cellular-phone companies will often ask if you'd like to add a friends and family line with a free cell phone for a special discount price. They know you are a good risk because they can see that you've been paying your phone bill.

Therefore they know they got you as a reliable customer if you do sign up in this way they are able to do deep discounting. Telephone sales for telephone services is one of the telemarketing industry's easiest kills. The chance of you sign up for more services is better than 30% and that means there is a high rate of return by calling you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Telephone Sales For Tree Trimmers

Writen by Lance Winslow

A good way for a tree trimmers to get additional business is to use the telephone to do sales. Often if a tree trimmer specializes in a specific neighborhood everyone will see them working and all they really need to do is call up the people who have seen them in the neighborhood and ask them if they would like services too. This works quite well for tree trimmers.

A smart tree trimmer will also give discounts for those customers that give them referrals and even take phone numbers from other potential customers from those who referred them and do the sales themselves. Tree trimmers need to talk about safety when doing telephone sales. Most customers are concerned about their property and their loved ones who might try to trim the tree and get hurt.

Another important issue when doing telephone sales for tree trimmers is to explain to the potential customer or client that they do not use illegal alien labor, recently this has been a big concern. Once the customer is satisfied with these items the next order of business is to ensure the customer that you will remove all the debris and branches that you have cut off three from the property and no one will ever know the difference.

By establishing yourself as a punctual, safe and legitimate business you are well on your way to very strong telephone sales. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Using Desktop Sharing Tools To Drive Sales Success

Writen by Mark Patrick Zondler

In the traditional sales model, presentations are made in person at the client's place of business. Today, however, rising fuel costs have translated into higher airfares and gasoline prices. As a result, the travel budgets of companies around the world are straining at the seams. Similarly, company executives are recognizing that traditional business travel consumes a significant amount of a salesperson's time, thereby negatively impacting employee productivity. Both travel costs and a salesperson's time increase the cost of on-site meetings, and represent resources that could be better leveraged to generate additional sales. As a result, businesses are increasingly seeking less expensive technological alternatives to on-site sales presentations.

This paper explores computer desktop sharing solutions as a means of leveraging resources to drive sales success. Specifically, this paper addresses four questions:

  • What is desktop sharing and how does it work?
  • What are the benefits of desktop sharing?
  • How can desktop sharing tools be used in sales?
  • What features should an effective desktop sharing tool include?
Although business travel and on-site sales presentations are sometimes necessary, many on-site pitches can be replaced by online presentations at a fraction of the cost. Effectiveness and efficiency increase, positively impacting both the sales professional's and the client's bottom lines.

Desktop Sharing: A Simple, Innovative, Technological Tool

Desktop sharing is an innovative software program that allows one or more people in remote locations to view the primary user's computer screen. Using a Web-based interface, the user can show others any document or application that is open on his or her desktop.

Desktop sharing is initiated when the presenter invites others to participate in a session. The presenter begins the session, and participants join via the Internet, using a unique session ID. During the session, the presenter's screen – including mouse movements, documents, and applications – is visible to the participants. The participants simultaneously interact with the presenter by phone or audio conference call.

The Benefits of Desktop Sharing
By delivering sales presentations online, desktop sharing allows sales professionals to increase the effectiveness of their presentations while leveraging their time to reach more clients and prospective clients.

Through the use of desktop sharing technology, sales presentations are amplified with visual components. The instantaneous, real-time delivery of documents, slides, or software applications allows for better communication and increased flexibility in addressing the specific needs and concerns of the customer.

As a Web-based tool, desktop sharing enables the sales professional to make a presentation instantly to anyone, anytime, worldwide. Because a session can be accessed by anyone with an Internet connection, traveling to a customer's place of business isn't necessary. This not only represents a significant savings in travel costs, but also a tremendous savings of time, allowing the salesperson to exponentially increase the number of sales presentations he or she can initiate.

Desktop Sharing in Sales

Lead Generation
Many companies have found that desktop sharing quickly becomes a critical tool to generate leads.

Breaking Down Geographic Barriers: As part of the salesperson's repertoire, desktop sharing provides sales professionals with the ability to schedule online meetings with larger groups of prospective customers, regardless of their geographic location. Web conferencing allows companies to gather leads in new markets without incurring the travel expenses associated with reaching these prospective customers.

Passive Lead Generation: Companies can, through their websites, offer visitors the opportunity to register for informational online meetings or for the launch and demonstration of a new product or service. Potential customers self-select as leads through the registration process. The data collected from registrants and from those attending the online meeting can be used by the company's team of sales professionals to convert leads to customers. When a company archives their informational meetings and educational seminars on their website, potential customers can register to download or listen to the information, which generates additional passive leads.

Existing Customers Become New Leads: Desktop sharing allows new products, services, or specials to be shown in order to upsell or cross-sell existing customers. Current customers make excellent prospective customers for new products, and desktop sharing enables a salesperson to upsell or cross-sell without having to make an on-site sales call.

Educational Seminars Hook Prospects: Online meetings can also be utilized as a non-sales marketing tool to present live educational seminars to potential customers, who then become qualified leads. In contrast to online meetings that introduce a company or a specific product or service, the topic of an educational seminar serves to address a common challenge faced by the company's potential customer base. For example, a company that provides shopping cart software might hold an educational seminar on cost-effective marketing techniques to drive traffic to e-commerce sites. The information gleaned from the attendees of these lead generation seminars can be passed on to the sales team, which can convert sales by using the collaboration features offered by desktop sharing.

Qualifying Leads
When marketing tools, such as white papers, recordings of product demonstrations, and customer testimonials, are posted on a company's website, potential customers self-select by downloading or accessing the materials. This process begins the selling process prior to a sales team member contacting a prospect.

Similarly, an online meeting utilizing desktop sharing technology can drive prospects to download or access supplemental materials that can further pique their interest and speed up the sales cycle.

Sales Calls
Desktop sharing is most useful during sales calls, and represents a tremendous savings of resources. The salesperson can invite one or more prospects to a presentation or project demonstration, regardless of the geographic locations of the potential clients, thereby saving both time and travel expense.

Presentations and Product Demonstrations: By enabling prospects to view the sales professional's computer screen, desktop sharing allows the salesperson to easily present information about the company and its products and services. The salesperson can also turn over control of the desktop to a participant, allowing him or her to try the product or browse through various parts of the presentation. This hands-on experience gives the prospect a clear understanding of the benefits of the product or service.

Building a Virtual Bridge: When some members of a potential client's company can attend an in-person meeting but other key personnel cannot, desktop sharing allows those who can't be physically present to participate in the meeting to attend from a remote location.

Cold Calling: During cold calls, the sales professional can quickly initiate a desktop sharing session and invite the prospect to review the company profile and view slides or other information about the product or service.

Immediate File Sharing: During an online meeting, desktop sharing allows the sales professional to provide potential customers with any material they may request. This capability communicates efficiency and a commitment to customer support.

Closing the Sale
Desktop sharing is a powerful tool for closing sales and shortening the length of the sales cycle and increasing revenue streams.

Document Collaboration: Desktop sharing streamlines the process of working on proposals and contracts, since it allows both the salesperson and the client to modify proposals together in real time.

Team Leader Involvement: A salesperson's upline or supervisor can sometimes be instrumental in closing a sale. Desktop sharing solutions enable sales team leaders to join a sales presentation without ever leaving the office, thereby enhancing the interaction and increasing the client's level of satisfaction.

Client Authorization: When a sale hinges upon the go-ahead from a potential client's higher-level manager, desktop sharing solutions can smooth the way to closing the deal by allowing managers to attend meetings without ever leaving the office. In addition, the flexibility inherent in the tool makes it possible to initiate or reschedule a presentation at a moment's notice.

Customer Support
Once the deal is closed, desktop sharing tools can be utilized to enrich the relationship with the customer.

Transitioning to Customer Support: Desktop sharing can become a bridge to provide the customer with the support needed to implement the company's product or service. For example, desktop sharing can be used to introduce the company's customer support team and walk the customer through the support services offered.

Follow-Up Meetings: Desktop sharing can also be utilized to conduct follow-up meetings, during which the sales staff can stay in touch with new customers. A series of weekly conferences, for example, can go far in demonstrating a company's commitment to their new clients.

Customer Retention: Similarly, desktop sharing can be incorporated as a way of keeping in regular contact with existing customers. Inviting customers to educational seminars, new product launches, and company news events are just three of the ways that desktop sharing can help ensure customer satisfaction and pave the way for future sales.

Features of Effective Desktop Sharing Products

There are a number of desktop sharing solutions in the marketplace. To ensure maximum accessibility and security, you should consider a number of factors when selecting a desktop sharing program.

In order for clients and potential clients to embrace participating in a multimedia sales presentation, there cannot be any barriers to accessing the technology. From a technological perspective, this means that the desktop sharing product should enable participants to connect through corporate networks, firewalls, and proxy servers. They must also be able to connect using a variety of operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. Similarly, customers should not be required to install software in order to participate in sessions.

In order to facilitate spur-of-the-moment presentations, participants should be able to connect using any Internet browser and without having to register or submit any personal information. The desktop sharing interface should be intuitive and easy to use.

From the presenter's perspective, a desktop sharing tool should allow him or her to show his or her computer screen without first having to upload the content to a presentation server. Likewise, he or she should be able to hide confidential screen areas and have the ability to pause transmission in order to browse through confidential files. In order to facilitate discussion, the participants should be able to highlight items on the presenter's screen.

Finally, a desktop sharing solution should have strong security features. Transmission should be encrypted to the best practices standard, and connections to individual sessions should be made using unique, random session IDs.

Leveraging Resources to Boost Revenues

With tight travel budgets and time at a premium, using innovative tools to conduct remote sales presentations can leverage both your time and the time of your clients. Desktop sharing solutions can reduce routine business travel costs and increase productivity. The result is the ability to reach more prospective clients and an acceleration of the sales cycle. When sales presentations can start with a click of the mouse and reach customers and potential customers around the world, the result is an increase in the bottom line.

Mark Patrick Zondler is responsible for software development and global operations at http://www.BeamYourScreen.com, a software company that develops simple, easy-to-use, secure business communication tools for small and medium-size enterprises. Mark developed the technological vision for BeamYourScreen.com and defines the long-term development plan. He has several years experience in developing and operating Internet software systems. Prior to BeamYourScreen, he co-founded Allegro Solutions, a Singapore-based software firm specializing in dynamic price negotiation and online auction systems. Mark also worked in the consulting divisions of IBM and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He studied business administration in Germany, Singapore and France.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Predictive Dialer

Writen by Eric Morris

A predictive dialer is a computerized system that automatically dials batches of telephone numbers that connect to agents assigned to sales or other campaigns. Predictive dialers are widely used in call centers.

Predictive dialers were developed from the auto dialer. While the basic auto dialer merely automatically dials telephone numbers for call center agents who are idle or waiting for a call, the predictive dialer uses a variety of algorithms to predict both the availability of agents and called party answers, adjusting the calling process to the number of agents it anticipates or predicts will be available when the calls are answered.

The predictive dialer monitors the answers to the calls it places, detecting how the calls it makes are answered. It discards unanswered calls, engaged numbers, disconnected lines, answers from fax machines, answering machines and similar automated services. It only connects calls answered by people to waiting sales representatives. Thus, it frees agents from listening to unanswered or unsuccessful calls.

A predictive dialer can dramatically increase the time an agent spends on communication rather than on waiting. The system is most suitable for low quality lists and large numbers of agents, as a high contact rate can overwhelm the system.

Predictive dialer systems are commonly used by telemarketing organizations involved in business to consumer calling as it allows their sales representatives to have much more customer contact time.

More commonly predictive dialers are being used as a quick and easy way to automate all sorts of calls that would otherwise be made manually by a call center. These include welcome calls for new customers, customer service callbacks, appointment confirmations, or the automation of large numbers of ad hoc calls that might take place (by a taxi company, or parcel delivery service etc.).

Predictive Dialers provides detailed information on Predictive Dialer, Collection Predictive Dialer, Predictive Dialer Software, Predictive Dialer System and more. Predictive Dialers is affiliated with Free Phone Answering Service.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Redecorate Your Office And Increase Sales

Writen by D.M. Arenzon

It's just another day at the office, huh? The time is 8:30 in the morning, you walk into your office and the first thought that enters your mind is the following: "I feel like I was here like two minutes ago." We've all felt that way, no? And of course that's just a figure of speech, but the true reality behind that remark is time does go by fast!

In addition to the fact that time goes by fast, the other reality that we all encounter is that we spend more than a third of our day at work! These two realities of life can have a tremendous affect on our attitude. So how can you counteract these feelings? How can you improve your attitude on a daily basis? That's easy, can you say, "Office Makeover?"

Your office space can have a profound affect on your attitude and how you sell (and how your team sells if you are a sales manager). Below I have included 10 practical tips that you can apply immediately to "spruce up" your office. These tips include the following:

*Hang-up motivational quotes and awards that you have won throughout your entire office (great ice-breakers for clients that visit your office).

*If you are a sales manager or even if you are not, send a weekly motivational quote to your co-workers and encourage them to hang selected quotes in their office.

*Buy plants for your office. If you have no interest in watering them then buy look-a-like or imitation plants.

*If you are into cars then buy some small toy cars for your office. If you are into golf then buy something that symbolizes golf. Just think of a hobby or interest that you have and apply this idea.

*Buy a massager for your office chair.

*No light? Get more light in that office pronto!

*Get a mirror and put it next to your phone (the more you smile, the more you will sell).

*Hang-up pictures of your loved ones.

*Using the same pens everyday? Get new ones!

*Play music at a respectable level.

Copyright 2006 MR. COLD CALL SEMINARS - All rights reserved.

Behind The Scenes With Mr. Cold Call

Mr. Cold Call is the author of "How To Have Fun Cold Calling" and "115 Common Sales Objections, 156 Clever And Savvy Responses." According to Mr. Cold Call, "Your cold call success is dependent on 11 winning personality traits (known as your Telephone Persona Of Success!)." Collectively, these traits allow you to uniquely market yourself over the telephone so that you can inspire your prospect's curiosity and reduce their resistance. Are you interested in finding out more about Mr. Cold Call? Then sign-up for his free weekly cold calling tips at http://www.mrcoldcall.com

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Telemarketing Fundraising Laws

Writen by Michael Russell

The laws governing telemarketing calls have been toughened due to the outrage of people who have been constantly harassed by telemarketers calling them at all hours of the day and night. One of the most complicated and convoluted of the telemarketing laws are the laws that pertain to telemarketers who make calls on behalf of fundraising organizations. In order to better understand these laws so that you, as the consumer, know whether or not your rights have been violated, what follows is a brief summary of telemarketing fundraising laws. Please be advised that these laws may be slightly different based on where you live. These are general FTC guidelines.

First of all, it is important to know just who is and who isn't covered by these laws. If you are a telemarketing company making calls on behalf of a fundraising organization and you are doing this for profit on behalf of a non-profit organization then you are covered by these laws. If you are a non-profit agency then you are not.

If you are covered then you must honor what are called in-house suppress requests. This means that you must eliminate numbers of prospects and customers to call who specifically request not to be contacted by your company. This is according to Article # 31, DMA Guidelines For Ethical Business Practices.

After that has been done then the next restriction is that you can only call people between the hours of 8 AM and 9 PM. This is according to Section 310. Each individual state may have different additional restrictions as far as legal calling hours.

When making the call you must transmit your caller ID and cannot block this transmission. You must include, in the transmission, the phone number of the seller, service bureau or customer service number that would be answered if somebody wanted to call during normal business hours. The name of the seller or service bureau must also be included if the technology allows for it.

The call, if put through by an automatic dialing system, must be connected to a live caller within 2 seconds of the completed greeting by the system. The greeting itself can be any length of time but after it is completed a live person must speak within 2 seconds. If this doesn't happen it is considered an abandoned call.

Once the call is transferred to a live representative, the identity of the caller must be given immediately. After that, the purpose of the call must be given to the customer. Finally, the goods trying to be sold, in this case solicitation for fundraising, must be disclosed. Any attempt to misrepresent the purpose of the charity, tax deductibility, percentage going to the program itself, any aspect of prize promotion, or affiliation with government agency, is in violation of Article 8 of the DMA Guidelines For Ethical Business Practice and Section 310.

These are only the most basic of the regulations regarding calls made by companies for charitable organizations. There are also additional laws based on the type of campaign, such as negative option and continuity programs, or free to pay conversion programs, but the main rules apply to all of these.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Telemarketing

medical health hospital

Friday, September 19, 2008

Selling Maid Services By Phone

Writen by Lance Winslow

When selling a maid services over the phone to potential customers and clients it is important to reassure the person on the other side of the phone that you are an honest business and that they can trust you.

One of the biggest concerns with people these days is that they know that 65% of all people who work in janitorial services and with maid services are actually illegal aliens or illegal immigrants. Thus, the customer on the other line is probably thinking if they have entered the country illegally what would stop them from stealing something out of my house.

You need to try to get the customer to think more positive and tell them that the chances of something being stolen and their home are very low. Another thing people are very concerned about is punctuality of the maid services and they want to make sure that your company will show up on time to clean their home.

This is why it is recommended that the telephone salesperson explain to the customer or client how the company adheres to a strict schedule. Selling maid services on the telephone is not a very difficult thing to do and unlike other business, as the percentage of people who are interested is much higher than you might think. So please consider all this in 2006 if you are doing telemarketing sales to sell maid services by phone.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

medical health hospital

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Use The Telephone Instead Of Waiting For Your Doorbell To Ring

Writen by Jim Meisenheimer

Here are some "Telephone Tips" from Art Sobczak, a guy who knows more about the telephone than anyone else I know.

Avoid saying, "Hi, I'm just calling to check in with you." Parolees out on probation need to do that.

Art says, "Have a reason for calling. Have something of interest. Search your notes from previous calls and make that the reason for this call.

Jim Domanski, who contributes articles to Art's newsletter, says "The first tip in managing voice mail is NOT to leave a voice mail message. With this in mind Domanski says you should prepare a list of 50 prospects. Try calling them earlier in the morning and later in the day. Just keep dialing and talking to people who answer the phone.

Here's another tip from Art. Learn as much as possible about the company and individual you're calling so you can address issues they are facing right now and not sound ignorant, and like a smiling and dialing telemarketer.

Here's one more tip for you. Prepare a value statement that addresses possible results you can deliver (cutting costs, increasing revenue) and don't talk about selling your product or service.

Would you like even more on stuff on How To Make Awesome Telephone Calls?

Would you like to see practical examples of how to use the phone for prospecting, dealing with objections, following-up and how about some conversational ways to close the sale?

Come visit my website for even more good stuff on how to use the telphone to get more business.

Jim Meisenheimer publishes The No-Brainer Selling Tips Newsletter, a fresh and high content newsletter dedicated to helping you grow your business and multiply your income.

Use this link to sign-up for Jim's F-R-E-E No-Brainer Selling Tips Newsletter and to get your copy of his Special Report titled, "The 12 Dumbest Things Salespeople Do." http://www.meisenheimer.com

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why Did Telemarketing Die

Writen by Lance Winslow

Have you ever considered why a business advertising model like telemarketing died? Sure we know that the Senate and US Congress Passed a Bill for Do Not Call Lists and that the President of the United States signed it into law right? And we know that the Federal Trade Commission fined a few companies a lot of money and like FAX Marketing; telemarketing died on the vine. But why did this happen?

Well, telemarketing became too efficient and too many companies hired too many firms to cold call targeted lists and often random phone numbers too. Some marketing consultants who have written books on the subject say that it conflicted with people's lives; such as phone calls at dinner time and actually turned off customers and it did not really help folks get the information in the way they needed at the appropriate time to assist them in their decision making process for the product or service.

In fact many of us have simply been very upset by pushy telemarketers calling at our dinner hour. When you are busy and not interested they waste your time and will not take no for an answer and some of these persuasive folks indeed are paid commission and try every manipulative trick in the book. It is for these reasons telemarketing lost favor and indeed has been literally slaughtered.

The few companies remaining due to bogus government regulations due to lobbyists are extremely careful now how they do things because people, customers and consumers no longer accept these intrusions. They no longer consider it advertising, but rather more liken it to International Terrorism. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

medical health hospital

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To Make Or Break New Telemarketers In Four Hours

Writen by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

If it's up to me, I'll interview, train, and get new telemarketers on the phones within four hours.

That's right, four hours. And about half of that time will be taking or making live calls!

It can be done, but to accomplish it you have to have your systems in place. Your scripts, including answers to common questions and objections, must be distilled, and pre-tested for effectiveness.

Your training must include a certain amount of drilling, sometimes referred to as role-playing, but there's no playing involved.

It's work, a realistic simulation of what will occur on the phones, imminently.

This is a make-or-break design, and lots of people don't make it.

But the ones that do, tend to get results faster than anyone thought humanly possible, and they dramatize how it's possible to cut basic training time, and costs, to a tenth or even a hundredth of what they are, normally.

What does it tell you if people aren't able to accomplish their phone mission right away, if they're unable to set appointments, or open and close deals?

Typically, they're wandering from the presentation, or they're so timid that they can't project a winning personality over the phone.

The former is correctable; but the latter isn't.

You should be with them, side by side, after they've been on the phones for about ten minutes, guiding them back to the text, reminding them of what you covered, in training.

Feed them "close' likes when they stray, prompts, such as "So, what we'll do is this…" and "Ok?" and any other phrases that they have been exposed to in your simulations.

You'll be amazed how quickly they come up to speed, and in the alternative, you'll be grateful for how little it cost to find out that they're incapable of doing so!

Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of Customersatisfaction.com, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone® and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. He holds the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at: gary@customersatisfaction.com.

medical health hospital

Monday, September 15, 2008

An Introduction To Telemarketing Lists

Writen by Seth Miller

Telemarketing lists have a major role to play in making a business successful. If you are aiming at expanding your business and enhance your clientele, you have to go for some exclusive telemarketing lists. The lists must comprise valuable and reliable leads to take your business forward. Telemarketing lists increase your business contacts. Business houses rely on telemarketing lists to a great extent, as they always help them search for the best contacts.

But business houses can't afford to always maintain up-to-date and effective telemarketing lists. That's why various telemarketing companies have emerged to come to their rescue. They are committed to offer useful telemarketing lists to those business entrepreneurs. Business will improve once you have the power of some resourceful telemarketing lists. So you need to be careful when choosing the best telemarketing companies. Make sure that the company you want to go for has got the experience and expertise to offer you a completely customized telemarketing list. The company should specifically be able to offer you whatever information you require. The companies shouldn't get a chance to mislead you. Ideal telemarketing lists contain genuine and accurate information. It will be extremely disappointing for any telemarketing entrepreneur to have irrelevant contacts on his telemarketing lists.

The lists should preferably have contacts of those people who are likely to make purchases. The telemarketing companies generally carry out extensive research to prepare telemarketing lists that are relevant and legitimate. It's fair to go for the high-volume telemarketing lists, but at the same time you should keep in mind that you don't have to make any compromise with quality. Resourceful telemarketing lists have got the potential to make a positive impact on your business.

Telemarketing Lists provides detailed information on Telemarketing Lists, Telemarketing Do Not Call Lists, Telemarketing Lead Lists, Telemarketing Sales Lists and more. Telemarketing Lists is affiliated with Telemarketing Services.

medical health hospital

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Selling Your Services Over The Phone

Writen by Lance Winslow

When people think about telephone sales they often think about telemarketers and how much they dislike them. However, if you own a service business and you have customers calling in who desire service and have questions it is amazing how many of those potential customers you can turn into becoming your best customers.

Unfortunately, very few small service businesses understand that when a customer calls on the phone and starts asking questions even if they are merely in the discovering mode of what the services entail; you can very easily turn them into customers. Selling your services over the phone is extremely important and nearly everyone who calls in the phone should become a customer; unless they are a competitor shopping you.

If you own a small service business it would behoove you to consider this. Obviously someone who calls and asked you questions about your service business on the phone is a much better candidate to buy something from you then someone who picked up the newspaper and sought your advertisement today. The person calling you on the phone already knows they need to service and are inquiring to find out the particulars.

Do not sell yourself short when answering questions from potential customers. These customers want what you have available and is just a matter of making sure that your services match their desires and that the price is fair and equitable for all concerned. I hope you will please consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

medical health hospital

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What Level Of Telephone Sales And Customer Service Do You Provide

Writen by Virden Thornton

Using the telephone as an effective sales and customer service tool begins before you ever pick up the receiver to answer the telephone or make an appointment or sales call. When you reach for a ringing telephone, you need to put a smile on our faces and then greet people with the same enthusiasm you'd show them in-person. People can hear a smile, can't they? You also need to have music in your voices and an attitude that conveys to a caller that he or she is your top priority. The impression you create on the telephone can help you stand out from other organization If you don't stand out, you lose your competitive edge.

Practice these telephone-answering techniques that can help you stand apart from others:

1. Say," Good morning or good afternoon." (Use these words to trigger a smile)

2. Sincerely thank the prospect, customer or client for calling.

3. Identify your institution, company or firm.

4. Identify yourself. (This is Jon Jeffers)

5. Ask, "May I help you?" or "How may I direct your call?"

6. Listen carefully to the caller's request without interrupting.

How you answer your telephone, creates either a negative or positive impression in the mind of a caller. What you do and say after the first impression is important also. For example, if callers must be placed on hold, give them a choice. Say: "I need to leave the line for a few minutes to check that information, would you like to hold or may I take your number and call you back?"

Callers, who are put on hold, should be checked with every 20 to 30 seconds. High quality service means you never keep people in the dark wondering whether or not they have been forgotten in a Musak limbo. If callers are your most important priority, you must always treat them as such. In our workshops we use an exercise to illustrate how callers feel about being put on hold. In the exercise we ask participants to close their eyes and raise their hands at the end of two minutes. Workshop participant's hands usually go up at about 27 seconds and most of their hands are raised before a minute and a half has passed. Two minutes on hold is the same as five minutes in the mind of a caller.

When a call must be transferred, make certain to identify the person and the extension that you are transferring to. Say: "Tim Connor is at extension 543. I will transfer you and stay on the line until he answers." When the employee answers, introduce the caller and his need "Tim, I have Mrs. Inez Stewart on the line. She would like to discuss…."

Ending your call properly is important, too. Always thank the caller or in some way affirm the caller's value to you and your organization. Say: "I'm glad I could help you, Mr. Johnson"; or "Call again anytime, Mr. Johnson"; or "It's always good to talk with you, Mr. Jones." Then let the caller hang up first. To obtain a comprehensive manual on using the telephone effectively check out TeleSales & TeleService at: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/manual3.htm

VIRDEN THORNTON is the founder and President of The $elling Edge®, Inc. a firm specializing in sales, customer relations, and management training and development. Clients have included Sears Optical, Eastman Kodak, IBM, Deloitte & Touché, Bank One, Jefferson Pilot, and Wal-Mart to name a few. Virden is the author of Prospecting: The Key To Sales Success and the best selling Building & Closing the Sale, Fifty-Minute series books and Close That Sale, a video/audio tape series published by the Thompson Learning, Crisp Learning division. He has also authored a Self-Directed Learning series of sales, coaching & team development, telemarketing, and personal productivity training guides. Check them out at: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/Book1.htm

Virden teaches for the Center For Professional Development, Texas Tech University at Lubbock, Texas and in the School Of Entrepreneurship, J. Willard And Alice S. Marriott School Of Management at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. You can contact Virden at: Virden@TheSellingEdge.com. or learn more about him at: http://TheSellingEdge.com

medical health hospital

Friday, September 12, 2008

Telephone Sales From Traveling Salesmen On Cell Phones

Writen by Lance Winslow

Have you ever sat in the lobby of a hotel and listened to a salesman on his cell phone making calls and setting up appointments for the next day? Sure we all have heard people announcing their arrivals, departures, delays and ETAs, but what about when a salesman is in the lobby of a five star and simply is attempting to close the sale and make an appointment? A little tacky isn't it? Well it can get worse than that.

Recently I was in the lobby and over heard some interesting details of a business deal going down and it involved a competitor of a personal friend who runs a rather large Corporation right now. So, I moved in closer and sat down, took notes and when this sales guy, I presume got off the phone. He smiled to himself and said; YES!

But unfortunately for me, he made the biggest error of all, he blasted important information out in public and I forwarded this information to my friend and well, lets just say there were some embarrassed business people who were beat to the punch by two-days in the media release of what was suppose to be a block buster new high-tech personal device. Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

medical health hospital

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricanes And Business Telephone Sales

Writen by Lance Winslow

During the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season we saw many areas, which were struck by large category hurricanes and the power was out for weeks on end, gasoline supplies were short and for the most part non-existence. Worse off all the cell phone power lines were down and all land line phone lines were out also.

Imagine if you were in telephone sales and you were trying to cold call prospects to generate leads. Well, that indeed would be the challenge indeed and it would completely tax all your abilities and skills as a salesperson. In fact it might be such a tough market that it would behoove you to get up your belongings and move to a better area away from a potential future strike of the hurricane that season.

Many salesmen have moved areas since the 2005 Atlantic tropical hurricane season and even some of the others are worried this year that they are in areas and cities, which might be struck by a 2006 Atlantic tropical hurricane of a large category.

When the phone lines are out telephone sales for any business or any salesperson are literally impossible. Additionally, you cannot get enough gasoline in your car to drive out to do the selling and many of the business executives who make the decision may actually still be out of town on evacuations making it impossible for anyone to make the decision.

You can imagine the hardships that hurricanes have on those who are in the sales professional business or do business telephone sales. Even outside sales reps will find detours, roads washed out and some businesses and potential clientele leveled to the ground and gone, literally. Consider always a 2006 Bird.

Lance Winslow

medical health hospital

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Telephone Sales And Legislative Loop Holes Are A Sham

Writen by Lance Winslow

The number of legislative loopholes in the telemarketing act are completely unfair to consumers. When the United States citizens voted and told their representatives in Congress and the Senate that they no longer wanted to be harassed while eating dinner or at home from pesky telephone salespeople they meant it.

However, politicians due to all the lobbying saw things a different way. Did you know that politicians are allowed to call you for a donation anytime they want? Whereas a small business person is not allowed to call you on the phone. But a large corporation who you may have done business with in the past six months who has you in their customer database may call you and even give your phone number out to other partners of theirs. Even if you are on the DO NOT CALL LIST?

In fact this happens quite often with credit card companies and American Express where they give your phone number out to vendor partners, who are allowed to call you and try to get you to buy something. The telemarketing act was never supposed to be like this, but now we have legislative loopholes, which are a sham and the telephone sales keep going.

Is it OK to be rude to those who call you on the phone trying to sell you something? Absolutely, they are wasting your time and abusing the privilege and it does not matter if it's legal or not, they are bothering you and that is unacceptable and that is not what the law intended so the whole thing is a fraud. Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

medical health hospital

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How To Wow Your Audience

Writen by Matt Bacak

All professional speakers who "wow" their audiences have one thing in common: P-A-S-S-I-O-N!

A public speaker can have the best information, the best voice, and the best Powerpoint presentation on the planet, but without passion, the speech will fall flat every time.

Every speaker is a motivational speaker. It doesn't matter if you're talking about finance or personal growth - you need to ignite your audience and get them excited about your subject. And the only way your audience will become excited is if you're excited. Inspiration begins with you and your own feelings. You'll never succeed as a speaker unless your topic gives you an adrenaline rush.

The World's Best Speakers

What are some of the characteristics of a great public speaker? The world's best speakers are natural and human. They're dynamic, but they're not over the top. They use visuals and Powerpoint presentations, pictures, graphs, videos, and music when it's appropriate, but they never use these elements as a crutch. The most important part of the presentation is always the speaker - the human being speaking head to head and heart to heart to other human beings.

The world's best speakers can speak off the top of their heads. They may use notes, but they don't really need them. They look into the eyes of audience members as they speak, and they may even ask a question of a particular audience member.

The world's best speakers have "colorful" voices. The worst imaginable thing you can do is speak in a monotone voice. Be sure to tape yourself and practice enough that your vocal tone is natural, but also uses your vocal range, becoming dramatic when appropriate. Hire a vocal coach, if necessary.

The world's best speakers tell personal stories, but only when they directly relate to the topic. They also laugh at themselves if it helps to make a point.

The world's best speakers subtly praise the audience and empathize with the problems audience members may face.

Get Your Audience Involved

Think of your speech less as a lecture than an experience. You are working with the audience. Even if you're the only person talking, imagine that you're having a dialogue. Whatever you do, don't talk at your audience.

When possible, create interaction. Ask for a show of hands. Ask a couple of people to share one of their own experiences. Conduct an exercise in the middle of your speech when the audience's attention span may be waning. Ask them to do something surprising like close their eyes and picture themselves at age 100 offering advice to someone.

Do whatever you can to get your audience involved. This will hold their interest and keep them right there with you and in your corner. They will feel a part of your presentation and will know you sincerely care that they're getting the most out of your time on stage.

Observe Other Speakers

When you watch other speakers, make notes about what you feel they could improve. This will be a blueprint for you as to what to avoid and will make you a much more objective judge of your own work when you watch videos of yourself. Alternatively, note what impresses you about other speakers. Study the best in order to become one of the best.

Always end your speech on a high note with a call to action. Summarize your points, and incite your audience to get out there and do something great. Make them believe that your ideas will truly help them, and make them believe they can accomplish what you envision for them. Use a punch line or an inspirational quote as your final word, and give your audience a big warm smile.

If at all possible, make yourself available to speak privately with those who wish to see you after your speech. You never know who might be in the audience. You may get new bookings or leads before you even walk out the door!

Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://promotingtips.com.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Avoid The Weakest Link For Successful Teleconferencing

Writen by David D Morris

It's hard to imagine that establishing a successful Teleconference call can conjure up thoughts of buying ones first stereo, but that's exactly the sentiment I felt when a group of our employees met to discuss ways to assist our customers in managing their remote "Teleconference" meetings successfully. Let me explain...

Circa 1978, freshly graduated from university and after working at the telephone company for a few months, I had enough money to venture out and buy those Bose speakers I'd read so much about! My dilemma, needless to say, centered on the fact that 8-track's were still semi fashionable, turntables were mainstream and tape decks were taking off! Do I choose the fashion of 8-track or the industry "buzz" of tape decks over the wood grain/direct-drive turntable the salesmen was promoting. I chose the turntable, a decision I applaud to this day! Despite all three technologies having long given way to CD's and downloadable music, my turntable is the one piece of technology that still survives in my media set-up. I long ago abandoned playing vinyl on a regular basis, but the sweet sound a turntable can produce on an old Jazz or Blues album is spectacular.

How does the decision to buy the turntable in any way shadow an article on "Successful Teleconferencing"? Well, it begins and ends with the words the salesmen said to me prior to my purchase. "The system is only as good as it's weakest link". These words resonated with me, essentially telling me that the Bose speakers might be a wonderful buy, but if any part of the stereo system was less than equal to the speakers, the sound it produced would only be as good as the lesser part, or "weakest" link! These are words that we live by in the teleconference world. Essentially, for a teleconference call to be successful all the components need to be working in harmony and in the teleconference world the components are often the Participants who dial-in!

How the Participants join a meeting, what type of device they call in on, ie: a landline or mobile device, and how they interact in the meeting, has a huge impact on the success of the meeting! I would like to share a list of "tips" that will help you get the most out of any teleconference meeting that you participate in. Please share these tips with other users and Moderator(s) of teleconference calls and I can guarantee you your meetings will be more successful.

Before the call begins:

  • Write down your teleconference dial-in number and pin code and place it in a convenient location so you can find it on the day of the call. If you use an electronic scheduler then put it in there.
  • It's always best to use a landline for the call and take the call in a location where you won't be interrupted. If you must use a mobile telephone, know how to mute your telephone or ask the Moderator of the call if there is a code you can use to mute your telephone.
  • Be prompt - dial into the assigned call at the scheduled time. If the call is underway, it is best to say nothing until there is a break, or until the Moderator welcomes you.
  • If you are the Moderator of the call, get the call-in details out to Participants well in advance of the call. Establish a clear agenda for the meeting!
  • Become familiar with the feature codes of your teleconference provider. Most offer a quick reference guide. It is a good idea to print this off and keep it near your telephone during the call.
  • Use a proper speakerphone, one designed for conference calling.

During the call:

  • As a Moderator, it is very important to greet users as they arrive, write down the names of people and make sure you incorporate everyone into the conversation.
  • Introduce yourself when you begin to speak. Others might not readily recognize your voice.
  • Never place your telephone on hold! Participants often forget that they have music on hold and the entire conference will be disrupted as a result.
  • Avoid breathing into the mouthpiece, eating food, or placing your hand over the mouthpiece during the call.
  • Turn off all ringers from pagers, mobile devices and beepers before beginning the conference.

With the correct processes and procedures in place, a well-briefed community of users employing the proper technology, teleconferencing is a wonderful way to conduct meetings when you just can't get together face-to-face. Reduce travel costs and increase employee productivity at the same time. Just remember, remove the "weakest link" and you will be guaranteed successful teleconference calling!

David Morris is Managing Partner of Vesta Networks a Teleconferencing Service Provider.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

15 Tips To Making More Telephone Appointments More Often

Writen by Philip Ashforth

So we all hate having to make telephone appointments, it's a pretty thankless task at the best of times, but if you learn your craft well, at least you will be out there getting appointments and making things happen. Just remember, if you sell a product worth say 5000 pounds, and it takes you 100 rejections to get that sale, then each of those rejections is worth £50.00. If you were paid £50.00 just for getting a NO each time, you'd be on that phone day and night wouldn't you?

These tips are just a few of the many hundreds I could write from my 17 years experience of cold calling and appointment making. Nothing happens without a sale.

The tips.

1. Be absolutely clear why you are making the call, establish in advance what it is you want to happen, structure the questions around that outcome, remember – sell the appointment, not the product!

2. Basic politeness, not false, if you enjoy people, it shows, try to enjoy yourself, you are a specialist in one of life's most noble professions. be courteous, no matter what's going on at the other end, you are the professional, prove it.

3. Keep good records! So many telephone marketers lose the plot because they just can't remember where they are up to with their list, I have done this myself, re-calling a client I only just spoke to with the same sales pitch! It's worth saving yourself this embarrassment just for the sake of paying attention and making a few notes in a system, not just a pad you might lose.

4. If you call an automated system, press zero, it is usually a default for reception, if that doesn't work and you are forced to listen to the whole menu of options, make a note of the option number for the next call so you will save time.

5. Tape the phone to your hand! Well that's just metaphorically speaking. The point is, just start phoning and keep at it, just promise you will do a chunk of an hour to start, no matter what, it is so easy to do anything but make the calls you know matter.

6. Always address your prospects by their title, i.e. Mr Jones, using first names on a cold call can appear to be over-familiar, I have been caught out a couple of times and learned very early its title first, until rapport is built between you.

7. Listen, Listen, Listen! So many sales people miss this one, on the phone doing their script and not listening carefully to the response. Missing vital info and buying signals. Try repeating each word your prospect is saying in your head very shortly after they have said it. It is a good discipline to make sure you are using your ears and mouth in the right order.

8. Stay off the radar. Simply getting more chances to be put through to a prospect by not alerting the gatekeeper to who you are. If the prospect is not there, just quickly say you'll call later thanks, and off you go. I wouldn't usually leave a message until at least a good number of attempts to get through.

9. Be persistent. Try varying your call patterns, call later, call early, call on a Friday afternoon, don't buy in to the myth that there are times of the day not worth calling, making appointments is like fishing. I have often abandoned a fishing location, only to see another angler come in exactly the same place and get a full net! Technique and belief are what matters.

10. Get it out quickly. Prospects hate a drawling delivery, say it quick and keep it sharp, not too quick, but just at a good pace, get to the point early, ask for what you want.

11. When speaking avoid filler words like er, erm, y'know, they are diluting your delivery and make you sound clumsy. Just be aware of what you are saying and 'kill the fill' You will get more appointments.

12. If not now when? Both if your prospect is not available, or if your prospect has said there is a chance of an appointment, just not yet. Why is now not a good time? When will be better? Can we pencil that in the diary?

13. Have your diary at the ready, with a good idea of how many appointments you are going to make. If your diary is not even open in your drawer, you are just programming yourself to believe you aren't going to make any meetings. Have a positive expectation of the appointments, how many, and when you are going to schedule them.

14. As Henry Ford Said: "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right either way." Think positive, take rejection and learn – It's not personal, enjoy it, it's made you stronger! Develop a formidable mental attitude, read motivational books.

15. When you close on an appointment, confirm the details carefully, get the date right, confirm by email, offer that if the prospect wishes to make any changes, they can feel free to. It will demonstrate you are a professional, and not make the prospect feel trapped and closed on.

Phil Ashforth is Managing Director of Apple Creative Design, a design agency offering graphic design for print and web based in Preston, UK. The agency also provides marketing consultancy to complement their range design services Look at his work on http://www.apple-design.com

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Changing How Business Answers Their Telephones

Writen by Scott Perreault

America is now conditioned to the automated telephone answering experience. Most of us can recite the words from memory. This drone or common experience has a comfort zone that many companies are fearful to abort. As the buying demographic changes, so must the approach.

Telephone answering script and voice professionals at www.scotttradio.com welcome this new frontier in the business and call center phone experience. "Please listen closely as the menu has changed" is now a common phrase when we are sent into the automated telephone answering world. Wouldn't it be nice to be both informed and entertained? Who said it must be bland to be professional? Someone did and too many companies believe this reality.

We can learn a lot from the most successful airline of the past decade. Southwest Airlines. Imagine, of all the places to take a risk in shifting from extremely professional and serious, to casual and relaxed then the airline industry. Lives are at risk. But they did and the consumers love it. With the humor can a new type of trust. With the casual uniforms came less fear, not more. At scottradio.com this approach to telephone answering is what we do. And we do it well.

Scott Perreault is a radio and narration voice veteran with over twenty years of broadcasting and voice work experience. From the writing, production and development of radio campaigns to the recording of a two-hour audio book, Scott has experienced many facets of the voice business. Scott resides in both California and Minnesota.

By the age of thrity-three Scott was one of the youngest radio station General Managers in the nation.

His journey in the radio communications world began the fall of 1976. Scott continued honing his skills with special communication summer workshops at Bradley University (Peoria, IL) and Harvard University (Cambridge, MA).

Friday, September 5, 2008

Do You Dare Throw Away The Script And Start A Conversation

Writen by Helen Robinson

My first experience in sales was in telemarketing. I was so scared that to this day I can't remember what I was selling. The sales trainer told me to read the script and all would be fine. I found a nice secluded corner desk where no one would hear me and dialed my first lead. I introduced myself and started to read the script I was given. I thought I was doing fine until the gentleman asked me a question. "You can't do this to me; my trainer didn't say anything about questions; there are no questions in the script!" Of course I didn't voice this out loud; I just broke out in a sweat, lost my place in the script and felt my throat closing." Since he had no idea who I was, thank heaven, I just hung up the phone. Silly wasn't I?

At that moment I decided I needed a new mindset. The person on the other end doesn't know me. The only reason they will speak to me is because I sound warm, friendly and polite and if I ask a question, even a simple one, I will wait for an answer. Have you experienced the caller who asks how you are today and doesn't wait for an answer just starts reading some words on a piece of paper?

Wouldn't it be nice to build up that trust and create a customer for yourself and the company you work for? You don't need a script. You should learn all you can about your company, the product or service you're selling before you pick up that phone. Try to be relaxed and get you're customer in the same mood.

Here's one of my best examples of listening and I think one of my favorite moments on the phone. A business owner called asking for some information to be sent to him. I tried to get some information about his operation to start a conversation but that's all I could get was a yes or no answer. From the name of his business I realized he owned many pretzel concessions that were located in movie theaters, etc. I was listening to his tone and it seemed to me that he wasn't unfriendly, perhaps just shy or had a really bad day. He proceeded to give me his name, address and in the middle of this information, I asked, "Do they come with mustard?" The long silence was deafening. I said, "The pretzels, do they come with mustard?" He started to laugh and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I knew he would become a customer and he did. I looked forward to calling him for reorders and I really think he liked hearing from me. The moral of the story, believe in what you're selling, know your product and enjoy talking to your prospects. Relax and the orders will come.

Helen Robinson was the VP of a large marketing firm. She managed a Human Resource company dealing with the hiring of sales people. You will find excellent articles such as "7 Ways to Cut Loose from Old Sales Thinking" on her website at http://sales-training.ideatreasury.com

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cold Calling Is A High Percentage Game

Writen by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

If you go to Vegas, Atlantic City, or even Monte Carlo, it pays to find the high percentage games and to play them.

Typically, Blackjack is among them, which means it returns generally more money in winnings than say, the slot machines.

One of the main objections of ardent Anti-Cold Callers is that they believe cold calling is a low percentage play, that when you do it you're phoning people with brick homes and trying to sell aluminum siding to them.

If you're doing that, you're more than stupid.

Do cold calling the right way and you will carefully select your list, having pre-qualified those that appear for vital characteristics, such as income, need, and a positive predisposition to say "Yes."

Let me offer an example of a campaign I conducted, a very successful one.

I developed a seminar that ended up launching my consulting business. Instead of trying to get existing commercial seminar companies to sponsor my program I contacted universities, because as a Ph.D. and a college professor at the time I had CREDIBILITY with them.

Sure enough, one school sponsored my program successfully, and then I told others about that venture and they quickly got on board. Within 18 months, my programs were offered through my own, cold-call developed network of 35 universities that stretched from coast to coast.

I'll cut to the chase. These programs attracted a major publisher to me, I wrote six books in five years, and four of them became best-sellers.

My cold calls earned MILLIONS of dollars for me.

Do I have your attention?

I must say, I made what I consider SMART CALLS, and I devised a SCRIPT that seemed absolutely uncontrived, and I phoned the RIGHT PEOPLE.

I did these things because I am a certified smart guy when it comes to COMMUNICATING.

Anti-Cold Callers are not me.

They're a lot dumber than you are.

They're lazy, clueless, uneducated oafs, but they want your money.

Don't give it to them.

Appreciate that their propaganda is actually making it easier to sell by phone because they're discouraging your competitors from reaching out and selling someone.

Let's thank them for that, but otherwise consign them and their CAN'T-DO, negative ideas to the dust bin.

Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 950 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard"--the foremost expert in sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at: gary@customersatisfaction.com.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Telesales Selling Mobile Carwash Services By Phone

Writen by Lance Winslow

Does it make sense to sell mobile carwash services by telephone? Indeed it does and one of the best reasons it makes sense is the mobile carwash services must cluster their customers close together. Therefore if they are working in an office complex it makes sense to gather all the business cards from all the businesses nearby and call them up and ask them if you can put them on your weekly wash route schedule.

It is easy to sell mobile carwash services by telephone because everyone owns a car and no one likes to have a dirty car. People do not have time to go to the carwash and wait in line and they would much rather have the service come to them as it is more convenient.

In many cities getting your carwash at work is quite popular and trendy and mobile carwash services only need to alert customers that they will be in the area to secure additional business. A simple phone call is all it takes.

Using the telephone in advance means that you can have greater density in your local weekly wash routes and cluster your customers close together. The easiest way to sell mobile carwash services by phone is to offer a discount such as a $20 exterior only hand wax or a buy two get one free special. Please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Every Sales Script Should Have A Builtin Confirmation

Writen by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

You're just so excited!

You called someone out of the blue, made him an offer, and he said yes!

Does it get any better than this? All you want to do is rush off the phone and not jinx your accomplishment.

By all means, run away from that conversation, pronto! That's what our insecurity, and perhaps our sales manager urges us to do.

But it's terrible advice. If you bolt, without having performed your own confirmation, you're about to enter a fool's paradise.

Sure, you might have a yes, an appointment that will stick, or a sale that won't cancel.

But how can you know, unless you slowly retrace your steps, and make sure that the buyer knows all of the deal points and is committed to them?

Here's how I confirmed a recent consulting agreement with the business owner, after cutting the deal with his manager:

"Fine, just so we're clear, I'll be starting tomorrow at 9:30, and I'll be paid X dollars per month, and upon arrival tomorrow, I'll be getting a check for half that amount, and the other half will be payable on the 15th, right? Great, and is there anything else I can help you with in the meantime? Okay, see you tomorrow morning. Thanks; bye!"

A confirmation covers the essentials of the understanding, whatever it is.

If it's an appointment, you cover the time and place and if you wish, make sure certain people will be in attendance.

The key is to take charge, confidently.

Of course, by using a confirmation you'll shake out some weak agreements and uncover some misunderstandings, but it's better to do it now, rather than later.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of Customersatisfaction.com, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone®, You Can Sell Anything By Telephone! and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, "The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable," published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. He holds the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at: gary@customersatisfaction.com.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dont Insult Me With Trial Closing Questions And Sales Closes

Writen by Tino Buntic

Today I received a cold call from a telemarketer to sell me a newspaper subscription. I found his sales script quite amusing. Here's how it went:

"Good morning Mr. Buntic, I'm calling from the Toronto Star. Today I would like to ask you, when you start your new subscription to the Toronto Star would you prefer it delivered to the front door or the back door?"

My reply:

"Hmmm, the Toronto Star? Never heard of it. Tell me more about your newspaper."

Of course I was kidding. Anybody that lives in Toronto knows what the Toronto Star is. It is one of the two major Toronto dailies. This telemarketer from the newspaper decided to use sales closes and trial closing questions right off the bat so in return I played around with him. People that use sales closing techniques assume that they can outsmart the prospect. Really, that's all that sales closes are, a way to try to outsmart your target. That's what this telemarketer believed he could do to me.

Reading this, you can see how absurd this telemarketer's techniques were. So, if you are a salesperson, would you use these techniques? Would it not worry you that your prospect might see through you just like you see through this telemarketer? Do you think it's possible that your prospect may think you're just absurd as you think this telemarketer is?

Assume that the prospects you sell to know the exact same techniques that you use. Would you use these techniques then? Since all of the sales closing techniques that you know probably come from a bestselling sales book that millions of other business professionals have read, then it's quite likely that they will know exactly what you're trying to do and your techniques will be rendered meaningless.

So, if you are in sales, don't try to outsmart your prospects. Trial closing questions and sales closes are meaningless.

By the way, who gets their paper delivered to the back door? What's that all about?

Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide business professionals and entrepreneurs with free B2B and B2C sales leads without cold calling. Tino is also an avid blog reader and one of his favorite blogs is Michael Cage's marketing and entrepreneurship strategies blog.