Friday, June 27, 2008

Teleselling And Static On The Phone Lines

Writen by Lance Winslow

If you do a lot of telephone sales then you know that about the worst thing that can happen is a bad phone line. Any sales person is on the phone constantly setting up meetings, scheduling appointments and perhaps even taking orders and closing deals, but when the phone is full of static the sales person looks foolish and miss communications can lead to catastrophes down the road.

Most sales people do not do this by practice, but sometimes the best thing to do is simply say this phone line has too much static and therefore I will have to call you back later. When a sales person is frustrated or angry due to the phone lines they worsen the situation by talking louder, more abruptly and repeating themselves. This is generally met by a reciprocal response by the other party and sometimes what should be viewed, as a normal conversation sounds more like a shouting match to the NSA who is probably listening?

What can you do to stop this? Nothing the NSA will continue to listen to the calls. But if you are smart you will simply ask the other party if you can call them back when you are within range of a better cell site and ask them what time would be good for them and re-schedule and you will save yourself a lot of problems in advance, so consider all this in 2006.

By Lance Winslow

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