Saturday, January 31, 2009

Teleselling Troubling Topics

Writen by Lance Winslow

Telemarketers come in all shapes and sizes and are constantly selling us all sorts of garbage. But they are not always selling us a service or a product, as sometimes they are persuading us to do something. Now normally telephone sales people try to get us to buy something but not always. Occasionally they try to get us change our opinion, re-enforce our decision or vote for something. How do they do this you ask?

Well it is simple really, first they attempt to get us to fear the outcome if we fail to act. For instance if we vote for the Republicans then the Democrats will lose and that will mean Global Warming will destroy the Planet they will say. Or if we vote for Democrats then the Republicans will not get elected and the International Terrorists will come into our country and your family will be in grave danger.

When selling on the phone these telemarketers will work very hard to scare you and act like your friend and get you to commit yourself to vote for their initiative or candidate. This is how they sell troubling topics on the telephone and you might enjoy listening for it and watching the manipulation of the conversation and use of tactics. Consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Friday, January 30, 2009

Cold Calling And Voicemail Messages The Proper Etiquette

Writen by Tino Buntic

There is a proper way and a wrong way to leave voicemail messages when cold calling. I'm not an advocate of cold calling; the odds of generating any amount of significant sales leads or new business are stacked against you when cold calling. But, it does work for a minority of people and some still do it. If you are a cold caller you must know the proper etiquette when leaving voicemail messages.

When you call on a prospect and receive his voicemail, your message must begin with your name and phone number, followed by your message or sales pitch, and ending with your name and phone number once more.

Before I explain why, let me tell you about a typical work week for me. In a typical week, I receive dozens of cold calls. People pitch me all kinds of products and services. Unlike most people, I actually don't mind receiving these calls. I enjoy hearing the various sales techniques that salespeople use. I've heard them all. I don't normally respond to them, but I at least hear them out. I don't always get to answer my phone, so logically many of these calls go to my voicemail.

Some of these voicemails amaze me. You wouldn't believe how many times I get a voicemail that is a couple of minutes long and, often, the caller doesn't leave his return phone number until the very end. What happens if, as he is leaving his phone number, I get distracted, or I get a beep from my calling waiting, or background noise from his end garbles up the phone number? What would happen is that I would miss the phone number. That means that if I were interested in returning his call I would have to listen to the entire message again to get his number. Do you think I have time to do that? Do you think that any executive or decision maker has time for it for that matter? NO!

When leaving voicemail messages while cold calling you must start each message with your name and number, followed by your message, and ending with your name and number again. It's proper etiquette. It will increase your ratio of call backs. If someone misses your number and has to listen to your message again he won't have to listen to the entire voicemail.

Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide B2B & B2C sales leads without cold calling to salespeople across the United States and Canada.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

How To Develop Content Rich Teleseminars

Writen by Matt Bacak

Here's the deal. You are interested in trying your hand at teleseminars. You have heard the plethora of positive testimonials that demonstrate the endless financial possibilities of teleseminars. The technology and business process behind teleseminars sounds like a match for you, but you have one stumbling block. You aren't sure how to create content rich teleseminars that will impress your teleseminar participants.

Let's look at the creation of teleseminar content through the five "W's" you learned in grammar school which include: who, what, when, where, and why. We will switch up the order to produce a content development plan that will be the foundation to your first content rich teleseminar.

Content Development Plan:

1. WHAT: "What" refers to the content you will discuss and teach in your teleseminar. A savvy business person understands that your teleseminar topics should meet the demands of your clients. You need to figure out what a majority of people are curious about.

2. WHERE: How can you figure out this information? Boot up your computer and jump on the Internet. The Internet has become the research tool of choice for a large chunk of the population. You need to figure out "what" these Internet surfers are researching for on the web.

Compile a list of keywords that you think a typical Internet user will type into such search engines as Google and Yahoo. There are websites dedicated to providing statistics on the popularity of keywords. For example, the website allows you to type in a keyword, such as "computer", and see how many times the keyword was searched for or ranked in the past month. This is an efficient way to determine hot topics of interest.

3. WHO: Let's say you have investigated the popularity of keywords and have concluded that a popular keyword phrase is "home based business". However, you are not well versed in home based businesses. How are you going to create content about a home based business? The answer is to consult home based business experts.

There are a flurry of home based business websites on the Internet. Seek out at least 12 qualified, reputable home based business experts. Call these experts directly and explain the partnership you could establish for a teleseminar.

Often times these experts will have their own client email lists. Solicit these clients to attend the teleseminar. Allow teleseminar participants to ask the expert several questions. The beauty of the client email lists is that these prospects are already interested in home based business information.

4. WHEN: Send an email to your new client lists after you have partnered with the home based business experts. The email should ask participants to answer the following two questions:

"What is most important to you about a "home based business"?" "What is your single biggest problem with a "home based business"?"

Review the email responses and select 7-12 of the most frequently asked questions to focus on during the teleseminar.

5. WHY: Providing a content rich teleseminar is critical to your reputation, client satisfaction, and future projects. Invest time in creating the best teleseminar you possibly can.

Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at or

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Power Words

Writen by Wendy Weiss

I did a teleconference a few weeks ago with people who were new in sales and new to prospecting. The focus of the call was to help participants get beyond fear and understand their prospecting process.

One of the participants on the call told me that she had been given the telephone prospecting script that her team leader uses to set appointments. The team leader was a highly successful sales professional who had been in the business for many years and made quite a lot of money. The participant, who had been in the business for approximately a week, told me that she was going to work with the script and "make it her own."

"No!" I cried out. "Don't do that! Don't make it your own!"

My reasoning? This participant was a beginner. She knew nothing about sales or prospecting. She had a script that was crafted by someone who was highly successful on the telephone. This particular participant did not know enough to make it her own. More than likely, in making the script her own she would eliminate all of the powerful, persuasive and motivating language used by the sales super star who had given her the script.

Some words are better than others. Some words are stronger and more evocative than others. When you are on the phone with a prospect, you have about 10 seconds to grab and hold your prospect's attention. If you do not do that within that first 10 seconds, your call is more than likely over. If you get through that first 10 seconds, that buys you another 10 seconds. If you get through that 10 seconds it buys you yet another… and so on… 10 seconds is not a lot of time. To get through those 10-second increments, you want to use the most powerful words that you have at your disposal.

If you are a beginner it is entirely possible, indeed even likely, that you may not be comfortable with certain powerful words or phrases. They may be very unlike your usual way of speaking. Even if you've been in sales for a while you might be set in your ways, accustomed to a certain delivery, and changing that might feel uncomfortable.

I've met many people who say they do not want to work with scripts because then they "cannot be themselves." Remembering that your prospecting call happens in 10-second increments, you want to be the very best self that you can be, every time. That requires preparation.

One of the things that I've always loved about being inis sales is that it is crystal clear. You always know exactly where you are. You are either scheduling appointments, or you're not. You are either closing, or you're not.

If you are new to sales and a successful professional gives you their script—don't change a word. That script will be your gold mine. If you've been in sales for a while and want to try out a new script, test it first. Your old script becomes your baseline. For example, make 30 prospecting calls using your usual script and keep track of the number of appointments that you schedule. Then make 30 more prospecting calls using your new script exactly as written. Keep track of the number of appointments that you schedule. At the end of those 60 calls you will know which script works better. That becomes your new baseline.

© 2005 Wendy Weiss

Wendy Weiss, "The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success," is a sales trainer, author, and sales coach. Her recently released program, "Cold Calling College", and/or her book, "Cold Calling for Women", can be ordered by visiting Contact her at Get Wendy's free e-zine at

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

7 Ways To Jump Start Your Cold Calls

Writen by Ari Galper

Cold calling has to be one of the most feared aspects of every sales person's and business owner's day. With some important key tips, you can make cold calling painless and enjoyable and as easy as calling a friend.

Here are 7 key ways to jump start your cold calls:

1. Research Your Market

Before you start your cold calls it's important that you be prepared so your prospect feels you really do understand their situation. Research the company you are calling, identify what issues they are having based on your other clients in their same industry and ask others in your company the main reasons why people buy your product or service.

The better prepared you are about discussing you prospect's issues, the easier it will be to allow the conversation to flourish.

2. Change Your Mental Expectations

Traditional selling has always taught us that our main goal of the cold call should be an appointment or a sale. With that mental focus, what happens is our mind is focused on the end goal before we even have a conversation with the person we are calling.

This creates a major conflict because you will be trying very hard not to use words that make you sound like all you care about is the sale. And even more importantly, if your prospect senses you are focusing on the appointment or sale, they will immediately be defensive.

So what to do? Change your mental expectations to focus on building a conversation first and then once you have generated a good dialogue, you can then determine if you are a fit or not with your prospect.

Be careful not to mentally "jump the gun".

3. Understand Your Prospect

Take a few minutes to think about your focus of your call. Think about how you are going to approach the conversation. Put yourself in the mind of your prospect.

How would you want to be approached? Certainly the last thing you want to hear is a sales pitch from someone you don't know.

Instead, begin the conversation diffusing any mystery as to who you are with "Hi, my name is Jim and you and I haven't met yet". This removes the mystery of who you are and allows you to begin talking about how you can help them solve a problem, rather than you having to default to a sales pitch.

Think before you speak.

4. Build Trust Through Conversation

Learning to build conversation is the key to cold calling success. Engaging in a conversation should be as natural as calling a friend. Your objective is to build trust on your call so that your prospect feels comfortable conversing with you rather than trying to focus on getting you off the phone.

How do you build trust? You build trust by removing any elements in your approach that connect you to the negative "salesperson" stereotype.

5. Ask A Question

Begin your cold call with "Hi my name is John, maybe you can help me out for a moment?"

Yes, that's really all you have to begin with because in the next few seconds you will hear "How can I help you". That is how you can build a two-way dialogue rather than having a one-way talk.

The truth is you are asking for help because you don't know if you can help them yet, right? Until you have the information you need about their situation, you can't determine if you are a fit or not.

6. Eliminate Pressure

Pressure is the main reason most cold calls turn into a negative rejection-filled experience. It doesn't have to be that way.

If you can become aware of things you are doing that is triggering pressure on your prospects, you can turn cold calling into a very productive and enjoyable experience.

The key is to never force your sales pitch, engage only in a natural conversation, and most importantly let your prospect talk. By doing all three you will eliminate pressure from the call and your prospect will be more open to the idea of what you have to offer.

7. Learn To Determine A Fit

So how do you know if your prospect is a fit with what you have to offer? You need to ask them this question towards the end of your problem solving discussion "Is solving your problem a top priority or something that is on the back burner for now?"

By determining the answer to this question, you can see if you can decide if your prospect is worth pursuing or not. You will also be able to determine their time frame which helps you better adjust your expectations.

Make no mistake about it, if you really want to be successful cold calling you'll need to let go of traditional sales thinking. Try these 7 strategies and watch how cold calling can be fun and productive.

Ari Galper makes cold calling painless and simple. Learn his cold calling secrets that even the sales gurus don't know. To receive your 10 free audio mini-lessons visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cold Calling Is Like Trying To Find A Needle In A Haystack

Writen by Tino Buntic

Have you ever tried to find a needle in a haystack? No, of course you haven't. This is just an expression for something that has a very low probability of happening. Even if there was a needle in a haystack, even if you wanted to find it, you would not find it. It is another way of saying "why bother?"

Do you cold call? If you are in B2B sales, you probably do, or at least you have at some point in your career. Cold calling is calling random people or random businesses in the hopes that you will be able to sell your product or service to one of them. I'm of the same opinion as trying to find a needle in a haystack… why bother?

Why bother? Not because cold calling has a good success rate. It doesn't. Why bother? Because in most cases, it is a sales manager pushing you to make cold calls. Cold calling may have worked in the past (20 years ago) but people still push it as a means of generating sales leads and new business even though it no longer works.

I don't think cold calling works anymore. If you think about it, all you are really doing is calling random people in the hopes of finding that needle in the haystack.

Think about it this way: If you owned a convenience store, would you send out an employee to stand in the front of your store with a case of coca-cola to try to sell individual cans to passerby? Of course not. You will never be able to make enough sales pushing your product onto random people. If a person wanted a can of Coke, he would just walk into your store and buy one. So why cold call random people?

Cold calling… why bother?

Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide free sales leads without cold calling to business professionals, entrepreneurs, and salespeople across North America. Visit the site and create a free profile to get started:

Tino enjoys reading Frank J. Rumbauskas Jr's blog, Never Cold Call.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cold Calling And Charting Progress

Writen by Lance Winslow

If you are in sales cold calling is a great way to get sales appointments and quickly weed thru those who are interested and excited about what you are selling and those who are not interested.

Some people believe because cold calling is a percentage game and few people actually wish to buy what you are selling. Nevertheless cold calling saves the sales person time in travel and the prospects time from not being bothered or visited by unwanted sales people.

Many sales folks hate cold calling, yet I bet if they would better track exactly where their best sales originate they would be surprised that cold calling is indeed amongst the top ways that such leads came it. Word of Mouth referrals would give cold calling a good run for its money in this category, yet you cannot wait around for the phone to ring if you are going to be successful in sales, you must be proactive.

Speaking of being proactive I recommend that you chart the number of cold calls you make each week and the amount of sales you make and you will see that when your cold call numbers go up so does your commission sales income. It therefore makes sense to set goals of how many calls you make and chart your progress and look at how many of those cold calls lead to entering serious talks with the prospects or drive you into the sales process and then eventually lead to sales. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Saturday, January 24, 2009

About To Close The Big Sale On The Phone Oh No Battery Is Dead

Writen by Lance Winslow

More and more these days the top salespeople are on the road making deals and that means they're using cell phones. The problem with using a cell phone, as a salesperson is the reliability of cell phones isn't exactly what it should be and to top off matters there never seems to be enough juice left in your battery when you really need it.

There you are about to close the big sale on the phone and all of a sudden the battery goes dead; oh great you say? If you really want to look stupid to a customer then I suppose you can offer the excuse; my battery died and then they will just think you're an idiot, but at least you are an honest idiot and told him the truth.

You could lie to the customer and say I don't know what happened to cell phone; it just dropped me and then you look like a dummy because you have the worst cell phone service around, probably trying to save money and went with a cheapo service plan? There is no easy answer for the salesperson on the road except to have extra batteries and a special battery charger, which can charge them every night and never leave without full charged batteries.

If you are making a big sale and you are talking to the decision maker and you are in the middle of a serious discussion and all the sudden your cell phone goes out you are looking pretty stupid and the decision maker will be on to the next thing even if you call back within two minutes. As a salesperson you need back up contingency plans and extra batteries. Trust me on this; thank you for your time.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Friday, January 23, 2009

Telemarketers May Have Ruined Everything

Writen by Randall Stafford

I had to really look at things a little different when I started calling people. Now I am not a telemarketer. I call people only when they request it.

The problem is, they usually don't remember filling out the form or they don't remember why I am calling. Most of the time, I get polite people but on occasions, it's pure hell.

It's like these people should think that their phone is off limits to everyone. I even got some people filling out my form with the name "who Cares". What kind of a name is that. How am I suppose to reply to that?

Simply put, I just deny getting letters like that. To be in marketing, you sometimes have to have thick skin. I am not one with so thick of skin. I really get my feeling hurt. When my feelings get hurt, my anger shows.

People are looking for an opportunity and fill out your form asking you to call them and when you do, it's like they were waiting or better yet daring you to call. When you get them, it's always at the most inconvenient time. Did they forget that they told you the best time to call.

One lady told me that it's never a good time to call but call anyway. How do you approach this situation. You can bet, I didn't waste my time with her. I think you are getting the picture here.

Now, I really had to think about myself here. When my phone rings, what am I thinking about? I am sure telemarketers have gotten to the most of us. I really hate it. I get called 2 to 3 times a week for donations, sweepstakes, or some kind of gimmick and to be quite honest, since I am in marketing myself, my own phone number is on my web site.

Even though I belong to the no call list, people still call.

What can you do about it? Nothing. Why? Usually they don't have caller Id show up. That is the bad thing. You would think that caller ID would work in reverse of the way it does.

Caller ID should show up for the people you don't know so that you can decide whether to answer or not. Instead, you have to answer those calls to find out it isn't anything important.

Are you ready for the good news. Whether you hate calling people or not, you still get more people saying yes by this approach than simply emailing them.

I know it's tough to put all your feeling behind you and call that next SOB, but sometimes you really do meet some fantastic people.

If you get that SOB, that just happens to be drunk or suppose you just woke him up, then hey, hang up and go to the next client. Just do it.

Your going to hear all kinds of stories. I even felt sorry for people. Remember, this is your job. Turn things around. Suppose you were going to get fired if you did not make a certain amount of calls per day. I assure you, you would call. It is a matter of keeping food on your table for your children or living on the street.

I have an alternative for you if you just cannot find yourself calling people. Hire it done. Yep. Hire a student that needs to make extra money. Place an ad in the newspaper and have them call everyone you choose and pay them per call or by the hour. Tell them to learn the script and pay them. Simple huh.

Still can't find a way to call people. Don't give up. It's a lot harder but you can try having them call you. I doubt most of them will. However, some will. Instead of your ad asking them to fill out a form, ask them to call a number and you make sure you answer it.

"Just Straight Shooting"

Randall Stafford

Marketing Since 1994

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Selling Bus Washing Services By Phone

Writen by Lance Winslow

If you are in the pressure washing business and you clean fleets of vehicles then you realize the largest fleets make the most money. This is why it behooves you and your company to try to get contracts to clean bus fleets. Bus fleets are often owned by transit districts, private corporations and or government agencies.

The easiest way to get bus washing service contracts is to set up an appointment by calling them on the telephone. It is not easy to get an interview to sell bus washing services by cold calling unless you talk to the person who is in charge. Generally that will be the transportation director who is in charge of the maintenance of all the buses.

To get a list of such people sometimes it makes sense to co-brand with companies that already do services for the bus fleets. Consider if you will tire companies, towing companies and preventative maintenance companies as a start. Often they will have the direct contact and the direct phone number line to the dispatcher and the transportation director.

Once you get your foot in the door with a referral from these other companies you can ask for an appointment to talk to them about bus washing services. I sincerely hope you will consider all this when trying to sell bus washing services by the telephone.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eliminate The Fear Of Cold Calling And Rejection

Writen by Jacques Werth

I've never met a salesperson who did not experience a fear of cold calling at one time or another. Almost all of them have their reasons for being reluctant to make cold calls, and most of them have no idea what really causes it. Their are two basic reasons for the fear of cold calling. Both are easy to cure if you know how.

1. The Experience of Repeated Failure

Most salespeople set out to contact a large number of people who have an apparent need for their products and service.Their objective is to convince every one of them to grant them an appointment.

Let's assume that you contact 50 people a day and average 2 appointments. In your business, that may be a very good result. Nevertheless, you have the experience of repeated failure because you tried to convince all of them and you failed to meet your objective of 48 out of 50 calls.

The Cure - Change Your Objective. Your new objective is to make appointments only with High Probability Prospects - and to disqualify everyone else. Make fifty calls and be clear that you'll only make an appointment if the prospect wants what you're selling. If the prospect doesn't want what you're selling, terminate the call quickly and courteously. You now have the experience of succeeding in your objective 50 times out of 50 calls.

2. Fear of Rejection.

Most salespeople have a prospecting "pitch" which is designed to interest, entice, excite, convince and persuade people to give them appointments. They have a string of questions to get the prospect involved and interested in meeting them. Every question that they ask increases the prospect's sales resistance. Thus, negative reactions to their methods grow very quickly.

Most prospects react to any prospecting pitch defensively. Their sales resistance is aroused as soon as they hear your warm greeting and your friendly,enthusiastic, professional pitch. The more skillful you are in keeping them talking and listening, the more they become wary and annoyed. Eventually, many of them become non-communicative, or too busy to talk, or abrupt, or sarcastic, or otherwise negative. All of these reactions cause most salespeople to feel rejected.

Almost all sales managers and trainers tell you that you're not being rejected, that the prospects are merely declining the offer of your products or services. Why then do almost all salespeople feel rejected? Are you too sensitive, too thin-skinned?

Think about it. Who do you trust? Is it the sales manager who wants you to keep on going until you become insensitive to the rejection? Or do you trust your own perceptions, your feelings of rejection? Are all other salespeople who feel the rejection also wrong? No, you feel rejected, personally rejected, because you are being rejected. That rejection is caused by the normal defensive reactions that everyone has against being persuaded to do something they don't already want to do. If you want to eliminate rejection you must change the way you prospect.

THE CURE - See 1, above.

THE RESULTS - No more fear of cold calling and no more wasted time with low probability prospects.

©Jacques Werth, High Probability® Selling - All rights reserved.

Jacques Werth, author of "High Probability Selling," is an internationally respected Sales Trainer and Sales Consultant. HPS graduates are excelling as Top Producers in over 70 industries. Visit to read more articles, preview the book, and learn more about High Probability Selling.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Telephone Incoming Sales Statistics

Writen by Lance Winslow

The easiest way to increase sales in a small business is to start taking statistics of the number of phone calls that come in for questions about products or services and the percentage of those that result in a sale of some type. Once this is done a fairly simple audit can be done on how your employees and sales staff is applying telephone skills to increase sales.

Incoming telephone calls and sales statistic ratios are very important to all companies, but so many companies do not realize how many sales they are losing due to mismanaging the phone calls.

It may be necessary to bring in a professional telephone sales trainer to talk with each and every employee even if those employees are not involved in the actual selling of any product or service that your company is offering. The best way to ensure increased sales is to show the employees what they're doing wrong on the phone and how to do it right.

How long would this take to revitalize your telephone sales in your company? Well, with about a week worth of phone call screening and monitoring a good statistical basis can be developed and then telephoned skill classes can be given to each employee along with cassette tapes and perhaps videos to watch to help them improve.

Although telephone skills and telephone sales are not rocket science it is amazing what you can do with a little extra training. Please consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Monday, January 19, 2009

Telemarketing Accessible Way Of Reaching Your Customers

Writen by Robert Thatcher

It may be tiresome to deal with people from far-off places. But telemarketing resolves this altogether. Telemarketing simply refers to a process that involves all marketing related functions using telephones. Telemarketing will connect you and your customers all the time of the day.

This is the most accessible way for you to have your business easier to manage. From the use of telemarketing, you can communicate with your clients anywhere you go.

It is the use of telephone to communicate with your clients the goods and services that your company is offering. You can directly connect with your prospective customers and receive their orders and inquiries from advertising and promotions direct to your phones.

Since you will be transacting business with your clients using phones, telephone therefore is the most important tool needed in telemarketing. It is where you are going to solicit potential customers and sell your products.

How are you going to determine whether you get a potential customer?

It is important for you to know your customer's past records when dealing with them through phone so that the chances that you will see them in person in order to assess their status as customers will lessen.

Processes such as the detection of their history of past purchase, information requests, credit limit entry and competition forms are necessary basis for you to know their standing in your business whether they will be a good and credible clients or not.

It has been very common also for telemarketers that they often solicit funds from the different institutions particularly the business organizations and alumni associations. These organizations offer them special contributions that help in improving the service to their clients.

However, some of the conservatives arrive at a certain analysis that the business of telemarketing is an unprincipled and unethical practice of business. Since it is just an interaction from telephone to telephone, the system sometimes abuses the privacy of an individual.

Due to the said fact, they find it necessary to make a legislative policy in order to pacify the matter. A regulation is set up as to protect and uphold the rights of customers. There arises the policy known as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act formulated in the year 1991. This pertains to a restriction to the Telemarketing business in the United States. As an alternative, the companies just use a business code of ethics for them to continue with the business.

After that, the most recent move done took place in the year 2004. Then, another restriction policy paved way for implementation by the telemarketing companies. The new rule stated the major and the minor rights of the clients engaging in telemarketing. This secures the fact that in spite of the intention of the company to gain more clients, if the client does not tolerate them, the telemarketing companies can do nothing about it.

The new policy ensures the full protection and the privacy of the customers. If found any violation with the policy, there is always a corresponding penalty to the telemarketing company.

There is nothing wrong to aim for high profits when you have a business but make sure also that you are not affecting the lives of other people already.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides telemarketing resources on

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Making Sales Calls While Driving

Writen by Lance Winslow

In today's fast-paced business world salespeople must also keep up the service to their customers. Often salespeople will make their rounds and will use their cell phone while driving to make sales calls. In some states it is against the law now to drive while talking on a cell phone. In other states you are allowed hands-free units. But in all states of mind the salesperson must listen to the customer.

It is not easy to listen to the customer and drive a car at the same time in heavy traffic in the larger cities in the United States of America. But this is what the top salespeople now have to do. They have to set up sales meetings as they drive, make appointments and even close deals on the phone. Perhaps they might have to also do cold calls and drum up new business.

Most good salespeople can do all these things at once and are very good at multitasking. However, remember it is sometimes dangerous when you do not have your full attention on the road and the last thing you want to do is break your nose on your airbag if you make a mistake.

Meanwhile if you do not concentrate on your customer and listen to everything they say then you are not fulfilling your responsibilities as a salesperson, a problem solver and a company customer service representative. I do not offer solutions, I am only stating the facts and I hope you will think on this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Writen by Damian Sofsian

Marketing consumer products over the phone is called telemarketing. A recent study indicated that products and services sold via telemarketing amount to hundreds of billions of dollar each year. Political bodies, charity organizations, and various other organizations to raise funds and invite donations also use telemarketing. Public opinion polls are also conducted with the help of telemarketing.

Telemarketing involves the use of persons trained in conversational skills and automatic dialer software and equipments. Telephonic surveys usually make use of a script that derives only a small range of responses. A telemarketing firm maintains a list of prospective customers. The list is prepared based on information such as the customer's past purchasing trends and credit limits. The telephone numbers are collected from various sources such entries made into competition or application forms and previous requests made for certain information. Phone numbers are generally taken from other companies, telephone directories, or any other public lists.

Telemarketing has developed a certain degree of antipathy among the masses. People are often telephoned at the wrong time and place. Telemarketing companies have been criticized for making unsolicited calls and using high-pressure sales techniques. This has led to the implementation of strict regulatory and legislative controls. The Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, and various other state agencies control telemarketing. The U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 also puts restrictions on it. The Direct Marketing Association and a number of state agencies maintain do-not-call lists to save people from unwanted telemarketing calls. Persons who do not wish to receive calls from marketing firms can enlist themselves in those do-not-call lists. Marketing companies that do not honor do-not-call lists invite heavy penalties. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has published a national do-not-call list, in spite of protests from marketing firms.

Telemarketing provides detailed information on Telemarketing, Telemarketing Software, Telemarketing Services, Telemarketing Lists and more. Telemarketing is affiliated with Telemarketing Lead Lists.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Accentuating Your Business Telephone Answer

Writen by Lance Winslow

If you own a business whether it is small or large it is very important that you train your employees on how to answer the business telephone correctly and in such a way that it is short and sweet and a very quick commercial about your company and your intent on good quality and great service.

It is hereby recommended that you start working on this tomorrow and perhaps discuss this issue with your employees to see who can come up with the best possible way to answer the business telephone. Make sure it does not sound to corny, but is really lively and makes you a real company to each and every single person who calls, whether they are a new client or an existing great customer.

Have you ever called up a company and listened to the telephone answer and thought to yourself; what a great company. And think you have not even done business with them yet. Now do you see my point?

For instance consider Avis Rent a Car; "Hello thank you for calling Avis Rent a Car, we try harder! How can I help you?"

Do you see how they accentuate their business telephone answer at a corporation and how this goes along with all their advertising on TV, radio and in the newspaper. When they answer the phone you hear one more time their slogan and you think yourself; Wow, maybe they really do try harder? Do you see what I mean? Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Conference Calling Evolved

Writen by Richard Keir

Originally the conference call was limited to businesses paying exorbitant fees to the telcos. For business, it still made sense economically because the costs were less than the travel costs involved in bringing the people together. Additionally, significant time savings are involved, both in terms of travel time and in being able to communicate fairly rapidly to an extended group.

Telcos then extended their market by providing conference calling services to home consumers for an added fee. For some, it made sense to be able to bring a family or group with common interests together easily, usually to plan some physical event.

With the expansion of the internet, and in particular, the increasing availability and decreasing pricing for high speed internet access, conference calling has expanded far beyond its original uses.

For business, it remains a vital tool and has, actually, become far more useful as prices fall and the ease of use increases. Real time audio/video conferencing is already in use (and in some organizations has been for quite some time). As the cost of bandwidth decreases and the technology underlying audio-video transmission over networks improves, true real-time video conferencing will increase dramatically.

With the growing sophistication of the typical surfer and the expansion of internet marketing, audio and video have become hot items. Within the internet marketing community, conference calls - usually known as teleseminars, have become a standard feature. Offering the opportunity to reach a large group of interested prospects in a relatively simple and inexpensive format, teleseminars also offer the marketer an opportunity to create an instant product. A recording of a teleseminar can either be sold as a stand-alone product or used as a marketing tool for back-end products.

Marketers are using both free and paid teleseminars. Generally there is a higher level of injected sales content in free teleseminars, but it does vary a great deal.

Solutions available now range from the rather expensive to essentially free. Your choice is going to depend on exactly what level of service you require. There are a number of providers which offer an introductory pricing scheme (I've seen it as low as a $1 for the first month), which gives you the opportunity to see firsthand how their service works at a very modest cost. You do need to make sure you understand just how your users will access the conference. Solutions which use telephone call-ins are generally more restrictive and/or expensive than those utilizing an internet connection or VoIP softphone connections.

True real-time audio/video conferencing hasn't arrived yet for most. The bandwidth requirements remain excessive and the quality of the video, in particular, is fairly low. If you ever done live chat with audio and a web camera, you've seen the limitations.

Most online presentations which involve both audio and video generally use static images which change either rarely or slowly, such as charts, website images, topic outlines and so on. This can be extremely useful for teleseminars, of course, because it makes it easier to demonstrate certain points and provides a visual as well as an audio focus for participants.

The combination of audio and visual elements is particularly useful in training situations where one can reinforce the other. Plus, you have the advantage of reaching those who learn better through visual means, as well as those partial to audio.

For those of you doing eCommerce the evolved conference call can be an incredible tool. Consider how much impact regular teleseminars about your area of expertise could have on future sales. You can provide buyers with instructional teleseminars. You can introduce new products. And in each instance you'll be generating recordings which you can either sell or make available on your sites, or use as added viral marketing tools.

With the increasing sophistication and usability of the tools for conference calling, the possibilities are virtually unlimited and well within the reach of every entrepreneur. You'll be hard pressed to find another tool that offers you the impact and potential of the conference call.

Copyright 2005 Richard Keir

Richard writes, teaches, trains and consults on business and professional presentations and eCommerce related matters. For more on conference calling, web conferencing and related subjects visit - for wireless and cellular subjects see and for networking and security check

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Teleselling Training Materials

Writen by Lance Winslow

When teleselling training material to corporations or midsize businesses it is very important to make sure you are talking to the decision maker. Generally in a large corporation there will be someone who is head of training and they will have things that they need. Since training is the key to the survival of any large company you will have the exact audience you need to pitch your products.

One of the best ways to do telephone sales for training materials is while you have the customer or potential client on the line have them go to the web site and walk them through a demonstration and a video. By doing this they can see exactly what it is that you are selling and this will increase sales tremendously.

There are hundreds and thousands of customers in the United States that are fairly large businesses that need more training material and they cannot get enough. With all the rules and regulations and potential lawsuits they must be careful to do it right.

Once they feel you are professional and trustworthy and the quality of your material is okay they will place an order if they are in the market for that type of training material. Please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Monday, January 12, 2009

Are You Teletelling Or Teleselling

Writen by Lance Winslow

For those who use telephone calling in their sales career or cold calling to get new customers they need to be careful because when talking on the phone you do not have the visual cues of body language from those you are talking to and you must pay very close attention to make sure you are not boring the person you are talking to or that they have stopped listening to what you are saying.

The best way to prevent this problem is to stop tele-telling and start tele-selling. How do you do this? Well the best way to do this is to ask your customers questions and do more listening and a lot less talking. If the customer wishes to do tele-telling to you; let them and listen intently to figure out what their real desires are and to move the sales process forward.

All too often you'll hear salespeople over the phone and they will go on and on about their product or service. Sometimes you'll see people in the office hold the phone away from their rear and make a motion with their hands that the person on the phone is going on and on about nothing.

This really happens and if you are doing too much tele-telling then your customers doing this even though you don't know it. They are making a mockery of you because you are making a mockery of what tele-selling is all about. Please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Five Ways Cold Calling Beats Competing Methods

Writen by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

You've probably been a little confused by the ads and articles that say opposing things.

Some tout cold calling as a great tool, while others claim it is a waste, passé, and too difficult.

As I've pointed out in my best-selling books, REACH OUT & SELL SOMEONE and YOU CAN SELL ANYTHING BY TELEPHONE, it is a phenomenal way to get business, providing you do it well.

There are at least five ways that it beats the pants off of alternative sales techniques:

(1) It is active, not passive. I can't overvalue this aspect because by being active you make things happen and you get your blood pumping. You've heard the expressions that say fortune favors the bold, and the harder I work the luckier I get. They're true. Take charge of the sales game and it will take care of you.

(2) You never know what kind of gold mine you'll be entering. An existing account only has so much potential, but a new one can offer a rich vein of untapped treasure. The key is to get in and then to spread out, as one very successful Xerox computer systems manager used to say.

(3) People admire people with courage, and you show this quality when you cold call. The higher you reach in an organization, the more credible you become, because senior managers and business owners wish their people did what you have the guts to do.

(4) If you can cold call successfully, every other sales activity becomes a cake walk. When you get a warm, inbound lead, you jump on it, hug it to death, and don't let go until you have converted it. Why? You appreciate it all the more because you've been doing some heavy lifting. I call this the "lead bat" phenomenon. If you swing a lead bat and then pick up a regular bat, the latter always feels light as a feather.

(5) You respect yourself because you turned nothing into something! Let me say that again, for emphasis: YOU HAVE TURNED NOTHING INTO SOMETHING! This is exactly what all creative people do, but your creativity can be measured in dollars and cents, and you can thoroughly own your results. Nobody did it for you. You did it for yourself.

These are simply five ways that cold calling is superior to other methods. Who you become in the process of mastering this technique may be more important in your life than the dollars you earn through it!

Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 950 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard" in sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at:

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ftc Do Not Call Registry And Cold Calling The Facts

Writen by Tino Buntic

If you are a telemarketer and cold call consumers to solicit their business, there is information that you must know about the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the "Do Not Call Registry," lest you get in trouble with the law for cold calling somebody that is registered on the list. For the past two and a half years it has been illegal to call someone that is listed on the registry. Here are some of the most important details of the Do Not Call Registry:

Existing Business Relationships: A telemarketer may call on a consumer with which it has an existing business relationship for eighteen months after their last business transaction, even if that consumer is listed on the registry. However, if the consumer asks not to be called anymore the telemarketer must cease his calls.

Political Organizations, Charities, And Telephone Surveyors: The registry does not cover calls made from political organizations, charities, and telephone surveyors. So, for example, Someone that is cold calling to sell his personal services for profit cannot call someone listed on the registry, but someone calling to solicit money for a charity may call people listed on the registry. Again, just as in existing business relationships, people have the right to ask not to be called and even political organizations, charities, and telephone surveyors must adhere to such requests.

Accessing The Registry: If you are a telemarketer you must access the registry and update your "do not call" list at least once every thirty one days. You can access the registry at the website,

Penalties: It is against the law to call any phone number that is listed on the "do not call registry." So, it is your responsibility to check the registry and be sure to adhere to the proper telemarketing guidelines. Violators can be charged $11,000 for EACH bad phone call.

Tino Buntic's website, TradePals provides free sales leads without cold calling to business professionals across North America.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Inside Sales Tips Qualifying And Questioning The Red Flags

Writen by Mike Brooks

One of the biggest mistakes 80% of salespeople make when qualifying is to overlook or not react to obvious Red Fags prospects give during the initial call.

In their haste or desperation to "generate a lead" or to "fill their pipeline," most sales reps hope that the possible objection they just heard will miraculously go away once the prospect sees their information or product or service, etc.

But you all know from experience -- it never does. In fact, the law for calling leads back is that "They never get better." What appears to be an objection or deal killer always is.

Someone wrote me this week about a prospect who wasn't calling him back only to find out the prospect was leaving the company. He wrote me and said, "I guess intuitively I knew he wasn't the right guy to make the decision anyway."

And I'll bet he knew this because he heard (but didn't question) the Red Flags that came up during the qualification call.

What to do? Do what the top 20% do -- as soon as you hear something that triggers your intuition or that gives you that sick feeling in your gut, stop and ask the tough questions!


If someone says that they usually buy from XYZ, but would like to see your information, ask:

"Why would you switch vendors?"


"How many other companies have you looked at in the last six months?"

And then: "And how many did you go with?"

If someone says that they will pass it on to ________, say:

"Thanks. So that I make sure I'm not wasting her time it's best that I speak with her for just a few minutes. Can you please tell her that (your name) is holding please?" (If you're then told they are not available, make sure and get their direct line or the person's extension and keep calling until she picks up).

If someone says that they'd be glad to look it over, ask:

"Great, after you do, if you think that it can help you (or your business, etc.), when would you move on it?"

And so on.

The bottom line is that if you want to close like the Top 20% then you have to start questioning the Red Flags.

Remember: It's better to disqualify the non buyers early then to spend your time and energy chasing and pitching people who are never going to buy.

Plus it means that you have more time to find real buyers.

So this week, write up questions to the Red Flags you currently get and begin using them! You'll feel so much stronger as a closer, and you'll begin making more money. Believe me, it's a win/win.

Have a great week!

Copyright @ 2006 Mike Brooks

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, has been a top 20% producer for over 20 years. He works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of top 20% performance. Sign Up for free to the award winning FREE Ezine, "Inside Sales Secrets of the Top 20%"

To read more about Mike Brooks click here. Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, offers FREE Teleseminars, FREE Closing Scripts and a FREE audio program designed to help you double your income selling over the phone. If you want to Close Business like a Top 20% producer, then learn how at:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Creative Ideas To Get Prospects To Open Your Sales Package

Writen by D.M. Arenzon

How many times have you sent information to your sales prospect only to hear them say, "I've been busy and haven't had a chance to open your package?" Here are a few other lines I've heard when following up with prospects, do any of these sound familiar?

"I have a stack of unopened envelopes on my desk."
"Try me again in next week, I'm swamped."
"(Sigh) I just can't think about this right now."
"(Sound disgusted) I can't talk right now."
"I'll call you I don't have the time."

There are several ways to minimize the frequency of such responses. What are they? The first way is what you say in your upfront agreement with your sales prospect. Once you have agreed to send them information, I would then summarize a timeline of how they will receive and review the information.

For example, you could say something like, "(FIRST NAME OF PROSPECT), So let me understand this, I'm going to prepare a sample kit for you today, I will send it out tomorrow, you will most likely review it (SAY A DAY HERE), how about I call you again on (SAY A DAY AND TIME HERE) to discuss? Does that work for you?" The other idea that you may want to consider is sending an email right after you speak with them that details what you had discussed. In the subject line write, "Re: Thank you for your time, I will speak with you (SAY DAY AND TIME HERE)" and remember to use their name in the body of the email and to thank them again for their time. I know this sounds a bit trivial, however, it's one of those things where it's common sense (to use their name in the email or to thank them for their time), but not common usage.

Another idea that you could use during your upfront agreement is what I call a "Phone Handshake." Ok, I'm not nuts, I just like to be a little bit different over the telephone, it may sound unusual, but it works. Once you have clearly stated an agreement (see example above) you then smile and say, "(FIRST NAME OF PROSPECT), Can I get a phone handshake on that? They will most likely laugh and respond with something like, "Sure, that's fine." When you get off the phone you send an email similar to the one mentioned in the previous paragraph, but in the subject line you write, "Re: Phone Handshake and Thank you." In the body of the email I would add something like, "Per our conversation, you have agreed to a phone handshake to (MENTION YOUR UPFRONT AGREEMENT HERE)."

The third idea that you could use in conjunction with either idea mentioned above involves what you write on the package you send to your prospect. It's actually three separate ideas, but today you get three for the price of one, ok? Here are a few ideas that you could use when you prepare your prospect's package:

-Place a motivational quote on the outside of your sales package. If you go to and scroll down to the middle of the page there are several free labels with quotes on them that you can download (all you need to do is replace your print paper with special label paper). This strategy makes for a great conversational piece when you call them back and say, "(FIRST NAME OF PROSPECT), Did you get my package, better yet, did you like my quote?"

-Try writing a little note on the front of the package and then signing your name.

-This idea varies according to your prospect's industry. If they are in real estate write this under their name, "King Of Real Estate" or "Queen of Real Estate." If they are an entrepreneur write this under their name, "Entrepreneur Of The Year!"

I strongly encourage that you incorporate one or more of these ideas when you are sending information to your sales prospects. These ideas will help you to quickly connect with your prospects so that you STANDOUT amongst others who may be competing for your prospect's time.

Copyright 2006 MR. COLD CALL SEMINARS - All rights reserved.

Mr. Cold Call is the author of "How To Have Fun Cold Calling" and "114 Common Sales Objections, 153 Clever And Savvy Responses." According to Mr. Cold Call, "Your cold call success is dependent on 11 winning personality traits (known as your Telephone Persona Of Success! )." Collectively, these traits allow you to uniquely market yourself over the telephone so that you can inspire your prospect's curiosity and reduce their resistance. Are you interested in finding out more about Mr. Cold Call? Then sign-up for his weekly cold calling tips at

Monday, January 5, 2009

Affordable Telemarketing Solutions For Small Business

Writen by Ira Spere

Imagine a flood of new, quality leads flowing into your business as the result of a bank of telephone sales professionals. Your virtual sales team pursues individuals and companies who would be genuinely interested in your business offerings, if they only knew that your company existed. Imagine this service as being affordable for everyone, including small business owners and professionals like you. Telemarketing, Inbound and Outbound Call Center Services are no longer reserved only for the large companies who can afford to hire expensive telemarketing services. Any business or professional office can hire a professional telemarketing firm who will be able to market their product or professional service at an easily affordable price.

Many entrepreneurs start their companies in the hopes that just hanging their sign will bring in big sales. Although displaying your shingle plays a role in marketing a new business, actively making personal contact with potential clients and customers is the only sure way of generating sales. Small and medium sized businesses have traditionally relied on the frustrating and sometimes intimidating method of cold calling to make the essential first contacts with their market. Solo business owners often wake up early in the morning, make their first pot of coffee and flip through the local Business-to-Business Directory in hopes of generating new business leads before key decision makers get caught up in the routine of a busy day. Many new business owners, and even seasoned sales pros, hate this process. Some newcomers also find the cold calling process intimidating, while others thrive at it and discover sales skills that they didn't know they had. Even the best cold-calling expert finds that taking a couple of hours out of the day to create new business can be an obstacle to actually starting the rest of the day's projects. In slightly larger business organizations, dedicated sales staffers take the initiative on all sales activity. Sales departments sometimes have the benefit of being able to track down potential business customers through purchased lists and lead generation programs. When hot lead sources experience temporary dry spells, sales staff resorts to thumbing through the B2B Directory to generate new sales. Regardless of the size of your business, the law of averages rules the cold calling process: the more individuals called, the greater the likelihood of getting the successful sale. Common wisdom among cold callers states that you will get ten receptive listeners for every hundred calls, and perhaps one sale. Often, smaller businesses need dedicated sales representatives to focus on key customers, and do not have the resources to use their professionals for lead generation. At other times, a company wants to remain small, and wants to outsource their lead generation needs to another company who can accomplish these tasks more effectively and cost efficiently than hiring a dedicated sales force.

While there are many mammoth-sized telemarketing firms targeting behemoth corporations who need their services, many smaller telemarketing companies specialize in offering their range of services to smaller businesses. Smaller telemarketing companies have honed their processes to make their services easily available at an affordable price that makes sense to small businesses who are working within a limited marketing budget, but who demand verifiable results for their investment. If one small business owner, working alone, can generate 100 calls during one business day, what would happen if she could affordably double, triple or quadruple her efforts? What if she could contract with a telemarketing firm who could assign her cold calls to five operators, or ten, or twenty? The small business owner increases her marketing reach for a very minimal cost.

Call centers that specialize in inbound and outbound telemarketing verify their results to their customers in several different ways. Business to Consumer (B2C) Sales numbers speak for themselves: clients can review sales reports, call response rates, hang up data and all information about the call in a series of reports. These reports are often instantaneously generated through internet web-based applications that you can easily access through your own internet connection. Telemarketing services are also able to qualify leads: they are able to conduct research to determine the principle decision maker for a company or department, follow up with your sales pitch and set up appointments between you and receptive leads. Telemarketing service companies will generate detailed reports so that you are familiar with the results of every single step of the lead generation process. Other telemarketing services have the capability of creating complete market research solutions for their clients at a very affordable price. This range of marketing services used to be the domain of the larger marketing firms who set prices far above the reach of the typical small business owner. Smaller telemarketing companies are small and medium sized businesses who know their clients' needs and concerns, and price their services within the budgets of businesses just like themselves. Choosing a smaller telemarketing services firm creates a personal link with another small business owner who is eager to help his or her clients succeed.

Telemarketing Services are an increasingly affordable solution to generating new sales leads for your company when you need to extend your business reach. Easy, customizable solutions within your budget are available from smaller telemarketing companies who can help you generate hot leads and solid sales with minimal effort, leaving you free to focus on your key projects.

Ira Spere is a writer for EFLS . com where you will discover a wealth of resources on Telemarketing and other related information.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Telemarketing Service The Answer For Your Company

Writen by Christopher Luck

Is a telemarketing service the right way for you to promote your business? I am as guilty as anyone of complaining endlessly about telemarketing services calling at the worst times. After all, telemarketing is probably the most controversial advertising technique ever. However, sometimes a good telemarketing service, believe it or not, can help your business. We know that telemarketing can be effective, but there are now many legal concerns about using it. With that in mind, there are some things you should do to ensure that a telemarketing service will be the right way for you to promote your business.

Any telemarketing service will know that there are many new laws in place. These laws regulate the use of phone calls as a means of marketing based on the time frames. One of the big complaints with regard to telemarketing is that they either call too late, too early, or during family time. The other concern is that your telemarketing service calls only individuals who have not said they don't want to receive the phone calls. Make sure the company you decide to use is of high standards and pays close attention to detail.

There is good reason to select carefully when going with a telemarketing service. For one thing, you want to keep your company from a bad reputation. If customers are bothered by your phone calls, then the image hit is a hard one. It can terribly tarnish the name of the company you have worked so hard to build. However, there are good, smart, and effective telemarketing services that will allow you to promote your business effectively without killing your image.

What it comes down to, then, aside from finding the right telemarketing service whether or not you want to go that route. Some people are just fundamentally opposed to telemarketing in any form and thus would not use it no matter how effective it may be. That decision is one you will have to make for your business based on your personal feelings about such a controversial means of marketing a business. In addition, you should factor in the cost of using a telemarketing service versus how much money it can help you make as well as how efficiently the company works. The overall use of telemarketing can be effective, but you need to decide if it will be in your situation and under your feelings.

For many businesses, big and small, telemarketing services can be a necessity. They can be used with a lot of success as well. If you do think you might use a telemarketing service to advertise your company or your service, make sure you use a company that will screen employees as well has hire and train them effectively. If you keep those simple things in mind, a telemarketing service just might be the way for you to promote your business.

If would like to find more of my personal articles on telemarketing services, please feel free to visit my website on telemarketing!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Control Your Sales Calls From The Start

Writen by Shamus Brown

Sales calls that you control are what all salespeople want. I am a big believer that questioning is the most important skill for sales professionals. In order to stay in control of your sales calls, whether by phone or in person, you need to be the one asking questions most of the time.

To be the one asking questions most of the time, you have to get to questioning right from the start of your sales calls. This issue's tip is about how to make this transition quickly with finesse, whether you are calling by phone or are in person.

To accomplish this, you will need to eliminate beginning your sales calls with long-winded "presentations" about your company. This may seem counter-intuitive. You may have reasoned that your prospect doesn't know who you are, and needs your introductory "presentation" as background for a sales discussion.

Although this is the mode many of us are used to, the reality is different. If you politely give your customer a valid business reason for you to ask questions from the start, you will find that virtually all of your customers will let you do this. You will then be able to spend most of your valuable time investigating what your customer wants and needs.

OK so here's how you do this. Once your sales calls have started and you have established rapport, you say something like the following:

"Mr. Jones, I am with XYZ Company, and we help companies to [insert your benefit here]. What I would like to do today is ask you a few questions to see if it makes sense for our companies to do business together. How does that sound to you?"

You can modify the above to your own style, but let me first show you what makes this opening work. In reverse order, you are asking permission to ask questions, you are stating that your purpose is to see if it makes sense to do business together, and you are suggesting a common benefit of doing business with your company.

By asking permission to ask questions, you establish the format of your sales calls, and put yourself firmly in charge. In stating that you want to see if it makes sense to do business together, you are saying that this is a mutual decision, and that you aren't just out to sell them something that they may not need. By suggesting a common benefit of doing business with you, you are giving a prospect, who may not know much about you, a reason to continue with the sales call.

Until a prospect has decided that you understand their business problems, a simple benefit of doing business with you suffices to get your sales calls started. If your company is a known quantity in your market or to your prospect, you can skip the benefit completely as the prospect already has a reason and context for the discussion.

There's no need for long-winded openers on your sales calls.

© 1999-2004 Shamus Brown, All Rights Reserved.

Shamus Brown is a Professional Sales Coach and former high-tech sales pro who began his career selling for IBM. Shamus has written more than 50 articles on selling and is the creator of the popular Persuasive Selling Skills CD Audio Program. You can read more of Shamus Brown's sales tips at and you can learn more about his persuasive sales skills training at

Friday, January 2, 2009

How To Make Cold Calling Opportunities Out Of Voice Mails

Writen by Ari Galper

Turn voice mails into a cold calling journey of discovery!

Most people who still use the traditional cold calling mindset look at voicemail as a dead end. They say to themselves, "Oh well, I may as well leave a message and hope he calls me back."

This almost never happens, and we know it. But we're often so relieved not to have to talk with someone, that we leave a message anyway. We avoid dealing with another person's potential negative response to us and we avoid being challenged by the receptionist as well.

By the time the day is over, we might feel good because we've played the "numbers game" and made a lot of calls. But our productivity has been minimal. And over time that can make us feel frustrated by our experiences in cold calling.

With the new approach to cold calling, voicemail is an opportunity for discovery. It leads us beyond voicemail. Voice mail becomes a starting point for you begin the process of locating the person you're trying to contact.

Our objective is not to pursue people to make a sale in this new way of cold calling. It is to uncover the truth of their situation and to be okay with the outcome, whether it's a "yes" or a "no."

So we can begin to feel more comfortable hitting "0" when we get someone's voicemail. Because we then have an opportunity to go back to the receptionist and begin a dialogue based on asking for help.

Here's how the dialogue might go:

"Hi, maybe you can help me out for a second? I'm trying to get hold of Mike and I got his voicemail. Would you happen to know if he's at lunch, or on vacation, or in a meeting by any chance?"

Here, you aren't just asking to find Mike. And you're also providing possible solutions to finding Mike. This helps the receptionist feel as if he or she is part of the problem-solving process.

The receptionist is likely to offer one of two responses. The first is, "Yes, he's in a meeting (or at lunch or on vacation) and I'm not sure when he'll be back at his desk."

This answer has just given you a lot more information than you would have if you had just left a voicemail. Now you know your contact's whereabouts in real time and you can call back at a more appropriate time.

The second response is, "No, I don't know where he is." In this case, you would reply, "That's not a problem…" This low-key statement diffuses any possible pressure that the receptionist might be feeling about not being able to answer your question.

You can then continue with, "Would you happen to know anyone whose desk or office is near him or who works in his area who might know where he is?" Again, you're offering another option for solving the problem. In many cases, the receptionist will then transfer you to a colleague of your contact who can help you determine his or her whereabouts.

The receptionist may also reply, "No, I don't know anyone in his area." You then say, "That's not a problem…" and offer, "Would you happen to have a paging system or his cell phone number by any chance?"

If the receptionist replies, "Sorry, we don't have those," then at that point you can say, "Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help. And then hang up, and call back another time.

Does the idea of paging potential clients or calling them on their cell phone make your stomach clench up? Are you thinking that you can't cold call people that way because they might reject you?

That fear is only to be expected if your agenda is to sell something to the person. In other words, if you're still using the traditional sales mindset. But once you master the new cold calling perspective, you'll feel comfortable calling anyone, any time, using any mode.

As long as you're 100 percent focused on your potential client's world, you'll find that people will be receptive to you. You can easily navigate throughout an organization with the type of dialogue described above, because you're asking for help in a relaxed manner and you never put anyone on the spot.

Suppose that your efforts to locate your contact in this way fail. At that point you can leave a voicemail, but it should always be your very last option. Here's an example of an appropriate cold calling voicemail:

"Hi John, maybe you can help me out for a second? I'm not sure if you're the right person or not, but I'm trying to reach the person responsible for reporting problems about unpaid invoices. My name is John Edwards, my number is…"

Try this way of approaching the situation of voice mails, and you'll be surprised and pleased at how often it becomes a highway instead of a dead end.

Ari Galper, founder of Unlock The Cold Calling Game, makes cold calling painless and simple. Learn his cold calling secrets even the sales gurus don't know. To receive your 10 free audio mini-lessons visit

Thursday, January 1, 2009

So Youve Done The Hard Work And Got Your Sales Leads Why Does It All Go Wrong From Here

Writen by Mark Brewerton

Managing sales leads to deliver results

So you've done the hard work and got a stream of qualified sales leads – why does it all go wrong from here?

After much gnashing of teeth and hours spent justifying the investment and calculating your required return on investment, you have spent your hard-earned marketing money to generate a stream of sales leads – whether telemarketing, exhibitions, seminars, online or offline advertising, direct response advertising or directory listings they all have one thing in common, they are expensive and the investment has to be justified.

Now you have your leads

Whatever the source, you are now the proud owner of a stream of (hopefully) qualified sales leads, unfortunately our experience is that this is just the beginning and on its own it does not mean that this will automatically translate into sales.

A CRM system is key building block

Perhaps the most critical task you can do once you have got the leads is to make sure that you capture all the information about these leads onto a database in a way that is going to allow your sales team to easily access and update this information and in a way that is going to allow you to track and monitor the progress of these leads as they are developed. This can be done using any one of the many sophisticated CRM systems that are available or by developing your own database. Now is not the place to evaluate the various CRM systems that are available or to assess the relative merits of using an off-the-shelf package vs. the DIY approach, suffice to say that either way it must happen!

Many companies fall down on this – wasting time and money!

Unfortunately many companies appear to skip this key building block in their sales management process and as a result they are inefficient in following up leads and they lose visibility of progress causing many expensive and hard won leads that could have converted into business to be lost. This is nothing short of a criminal waste of precious marketing resources but our experience is that it happens all too often in organisations of all shapes and sizes.

Not all leads are created equal

You must classify your leads depending upon their potential worth to the business and your probability of winning the business. If you do this you can allocate your resources and prioritise accordingly. There is little point having your expensive field sales people chasing up business that your desk sales people could do or that you have little chance of winning.

Somebody has to be accountable for every lead

You can not fudge ownership of leads, this is where sales and marketing teams come together and it is where they have to work effectively to prevent potentially good leads going cold. In cricketing parlance somebody has to shout "mine" and catch the ball. To some degree it doesn't really matter who does this as long as somebody does and they take accountability Without this clear accountability, the urgency in the follow up will be lost as different team members look to each other and nothing gets done!

As somebody once said …"I didn't plan to fail but I failed to plan"

For all leads you must have a contact plan that is appropriate to the class of lead. Equally important is the ability of your sales team to plan and prepare for the sales meeting or sales call itself - the ability of your sales team to close the business once in front of the prospect is another story!

Keep records so you know where you are

Every contact with a lead should be recorded on your database / CRM system. The status of the lead should evolve throughout the sales development process, accurate records must be kept.

This is in activity where most sales people singularly fail!

By nature sales people are generally not good at administration, they are too busy pushing on with the next prospect or out meeting their existing customers – whatever the excuse this is rubbish - you must hold them to account and make them update the system otherwise you are flying blind and you are reliant upon somebody's memory which is all too frequently selective!

And finally, as somebody else once said …"you get what you measure"

Never was a truer word spoken in sales. If you are to maximise the return on your sales leads you must track and report progress and hold people to account! It is unrealistic to expect all leads to turn into business but we have to know that this is not because we haven't effectively managed that lead. Knowing which leads converted and why and which leads didn't convert and why is precious information for future campaigns – record it, nourish it and cherish it!

About the author - Mark Brewerton is responsible for marketing at Broadley Speaking. We provide a full range of business-to-business (B2B) outbound telemarketing, telesales, sales development, appointment setting and lead generation services for our clients. In addition to our telemarketing and telesales services, where our clients want us to help them further, we also provide sales and marketing consultancy services to support the development and implementation of their sales and marketing strategy. For some of our clients, based on our own extensive experience of effective sales, we also provide sales training for their own internal sales teams. Contact us to see how our intelligent sales approach could work for you on 01822 618537 or by email to or visit our website at