Have you ever tried to find a needle in a haystack? No, of course you haven't. This is just an expression for something that has a very low probability of happening. Even if there was a needle in a haystack, even if you wanted to find it, you would not find it. It is another way of saying "why bother?"
Do you cold call? If you are in B2B sales, you probably do, or at least you have at some point in your career. Cold calling is calling random people or random businesses in the hopes that you will be able to sell your product or service to one of them. I'm of the same opinion as trying to find a needle in a haystack why bother?
Why bother? Not because cold calling has a good success rate. It doesn't. Why bother? Because in most cases, it is a sales manager pushing you to make cold calls. Cold calling may have worked in the past (20 years ago) but people still push it as a means of generating sales leads and new business even though it no longer works.
I don't think cold calling works anymore. If you think about it, all you are really doing is calling random people in the hopes of finding that needle in the haystack.
Think about it this way: If you owned a convenience store, would you send out an employee to stand in the front of your store with a case of coca-cola to try to sell individual cans to passerby? Of course not. You will never be able to make enough sales pushing your product onto random people. If a person wanted a can of Coke, he would just walk into your store and buy one. So why cold call random people?
Cold calling why bother?
Tino Buntic created TradePals to provide free sales leads without cold calling to business professionals, entrepreneurs, and salespeople across North America. Visit the site and create a free profile to get started: http://www.trade-pals.com Tino enjoys reading Frank J. Rumbauskas Jr's blog, Never Cold Call. |
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