If you own a business whether it is small or large it is very important that you train your employees on how to answer the business telephone correctly and in such a way that it is short and sweet and a very quick commercial about your company and your intent on good quality and great service.
It is hereby recommended that you start working on this tomorrow and perhaps discuss this issue with your employees to see who can come up with the best possible way to answer the business telephone. Make sure it does not sound to corny, but is really lively and makes you a real company to each and every single person who calls, whether they are a new client or an existing great customer.
Have you ever called up a company and listened to the telephone answer and thought to yourself; what a great company. And think you have not even done business with them yet. Now do you see my point?
For instance consider Avis Rent a Car; "Hello thank you for calling Avis Rent a Car, we try harder! How can I help you?"
Do you see how they accentuate their business telephone answer at a corporation and how this goes along with all their advertising on TV, radio and in the newspaper. When they answer the phone you hear one more time their slogan and you think yourself; Wow, maybe they really do try harder? Do you see what I mean? Consider all this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
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