Saturday, May 3, 2008

Do Not Fear Cold Calling

Writen by Lance Winslow

Many salespeople are afraid of cold calling and they try to avoid it like the plague. However, a good salesperson knows that if they do not make those cold calls they will have fewer sales interviews and meetings with the proper decision-makers and therefore close less sales.

Cold calling is much more efficient for the customer and your company and your sales commission profits. A simple phone call can determine if the company that you are trying to sell to use interested or not. If they are not interested and it is obvious that there is no sale then the salesperson should send literature in an envelope and use hand written notes, asking the decision maker to please put us in a file if you ever need anything and please do not hesitate to call me.

When using this approach the salesperson need not fear if someone rejects their companies offer or refuses a sales interview. Do not fear cold calling because it is an efficient means in offering your products or services and it saves time for both the salesperson and for the company you're contacting. There is no sense running around town in stopping in at hundreds of businesses, which are not interested in what you are selling.

However, a salesperson should be able to get a feeling on the phone by the questions asked if the other party is interested in what they are selling even if they say no sometimes a personal visit or a friendly note will keep the door open for future possible sales. Please consider this in 2006 and do not fear cold calling.

Lance Winslow

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