Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cold Calling Is A High Percentage Game

Writen by Dr. Gary S. Goodman

If you go to Vegas, Atlantic City, or even Monte Carlo, it pays to find the high percentage games and to play them.

Typically, Blackjack is among them, which means it returns generally more money in winnings than say, the slot machines.

One of the main objections of ardent Anti-Cold Callers is that they believe cold calling is a low percentage play, that when you do it you're phoning people with brick homes and trying to sell aluminum siding to them.

If you're doing that, you're more than stupid.

Do cold calling the right way and you will carefully select your list, having pre-qualified those that appear for vital characteristics, such as income, need, and a positive predisposition to say "Yes."

Let me offer an example of a campaign I conducted, a very successful one.

I developed a seminar that ended up launching my consulting business. Instead of trying to get existing commercial seminar companies to sponsor my program I contacted universities, because as a Ph.D. and a college professor at the time I had CREDIBILITY with them.

Sure enough, one school sponsored my program successfully, and then I told others about that venture and they quickly got on board. Within 18 months, my programs were offered through my own, cold-call developed network of 35 universities that stretched from coast to coast.

I'll cut to the chase. These programs attracted a major publisher to me, I wrote six books in five years, and four of them became best-sellers.

My cold calls earned MILLIONS of dollars for me.

Do I have your attention?

I must say, I made what I consider SMART CALLS, and I devised a SCRIPT that seemed absolutely uncontrived, and I phoned the RIGHT PEOPLE.

I did these things because I am a certified smart guy when it comes to COMMUNICATING.

Anti-Cold Callers are not me.

They're a lot dumber than you are.

They're lazy, clueless, uneducated oafs, but they want your money.

Don't give it to them.

Appreciate that their propaganda is actually making it easier to sell by phone because they're discouraging your competitors from reaching out and selling someone.

Let's thank them for that, but otherwise consign them and their CAN'T-DO, negative ideas to the dust bin.

Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 950 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard"--the foremost expert in sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses. He can be reached at:

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