Thursday, February 12, 2009

Incoming Telemarketing Sales And Upgrades

Writen by Lance Winslow

Every incoming call to your business is a potential sale and you should consider each and every phone call, which does come into your company as a potential future customer and an incoming telemarketing sales call. You should also train your staff to ask questions of the customer and find out what it is they really want and figure out how your company can best supply them with their needs and desires.

This will help your company with sales upgrades from incoming telemarketing. Consider a suggestive sale at a fast food restaurants, when the person behind the counter asks you; would you like to super size that? Or would you like a pastry with your Starbucks coffee. Fast food restaurants estimate that 45 percent of the people will upgrade themselves if you ask the question or suggestive sell. This will increase sales and help with profitability.

Most sales training companies will recommend this as it is a known fact and that is that your current customers are 10 times more likely to buy from you than someone off the street. From a marketing standpoint it makes sense to spend more time and money on your current customers and helping them to everything that they need since they have already chosen to do business with you.

With incoming telemarketing sales upgrades it is very important to your business and you should pay attention to all aspects of this. You should train your employees to recognize customers who need more information and education them about your products and services. I sincerely hope you will consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

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